Your arguments are mute. Because if you already know (as they do) that you are not going to react to your anger or walk away from them then whats the point of pointless arguing. Choose your side, get off the fence. Get on your knee’s to God or Satan. Worship by action not prayers or songs, by action, and follow God by action, tears, fears and all. Do the word that God gives you. Arguing does nothing, you are wasting God’s time, one day it will run out.
You are not a failure, you never were.
What you are is a person traveling the planet in broken survival mode of which you came to be in due to mistreatment by other people and by being forced to conform to a toxic society.
You see, some of us are more spiritual minded than others and we sense things far deeper than others, and they who can’t sense as we do.
They just accept what is going on all around them without question, without arguments, without anger, because they see that they were guided into it at a young age so it must be the right way to be, and they see no wrong in the wrong, so they call evil good, and they live evil as if the evil they live is good, and they feel no guilt or conflict at the evil that they do because they have succumbed to it so deeply and for so long.
Those who enjoy evil know not what they are doing, and yes they will harm those gentle souls who don’t want to do evil, and they will tell the gentle souls who don’t want to do evil that they are broken because the gentle souls feel bad when they do evil.
The gentle souls do themselves harm in the environment of the evil-minded one’s who see no evil in what they do. Guilt is not for the weak-minded, that is why they in hoards served their master hitler during the war, they knew not guilt while they were guilty, and they would love for you to be the same, to do the same, to bow down on your knees like they do and honour Satan (they see it as having fun) doing filthy things.
You know them by how they talk, what they like, what harm they do to others, the ways that they treat and talk to others, and how they misguide you.
Your submission is the key to your destruction and the destruction of any in your care. For where evil takes you, tortures your soul, mind and body, the same will happen to thsoe in your care.
Anything the evil-minded promise is of no value because they break their promises when they want to and even though they pretend to show guilt, they feel none.
Your submission is the key to your destruction.
Say a thought comes to your mind, you explain it and an argument ensues – proof you are not among believers or friends.
I was reading about Colin Wilson and many called him a crackpot, but that reminded me of people in general and how no one is perfect their entire life. Colin Wilson has been heavily written about, many celebrated his writings and people from all walks of life disliked what he wrote and many liked what he wrote. In other words, no one has it all together all of their life.
I noticed this years ago when I would read a quote by someone, and then ten years later a quote by the same person saying the opposite of the first quote, it was then that I realised that we cannot fully realise the extent of when a person’s life changes and at sometime they go it all right (like some of Colin Wilson’s books) and at other times we are way off the mark by what we think. That is life.
And we can’t always get a person’s character right from the start.
Carl Wilson is one of the most favourite Beach Boys, heavily loved for his voice, character, so much so that when he died someone said to his wife, “How can you replace someone like Carl Wilson!” But during the late 60’s Carl sided with the group who had opposite views of Brian Wilson’s. In the Early 1970’s Carl is recorded on stage heavily drunk making a fool of himself and the band. People have claimed that Carl Wilson has the most heavenly of voices. Carl got fooled by a religious cult and has been said to have donated around 1 million dollars to the cult before he realised that it was fake.
Yet for me, other that Brian Wilson’s voice I dearly love Carl Wilson’s voice as the best that I have ever heard and was very disappointed when Carl died because I wanted to hear his and Brian’s songs forever.
In other words we are human. Jesus was said to be a drunkard. Part of a immature toxic world is masses of people growing up incapable of being steady and having-it-all-together, when you have bee grown in toxicity you are bound to make many mistakes along the way especially with no real guidance.
The biggest worry about a lobotomy is that do they check for this when someone has an autopsy, because if they don’t it can be a way to silence of kill a person and make it look like the person was insane, because in many cases people went mute or unable to function well after an lobotomy. My guess is a lot of people were just stressed from the madness of a toxic society or were spiritually possessed.
Once they know that you won’t walk away they can do anything with you, because you won’t stop them.
Shutter Island, another movie that I have watched about the main character getting a lobotomy in the end.
This is probably the 5-6 movie on mental illness etc or has that theme where the person at the end is dealt with, with a lobotomy, and that tells me that since coincidence does not exist then what is God trying to tell me and why? Maybe someone I know is going to be dealt with this way. Its what i would think is far too coincidental to be a coincidence or pure luck. Each movie has the same sort of ending. Then it came in some books I was reading either as what they call a cure, or for the mob/organized-crime, to silence someone.
Survival Instincts are defence mechanisms.
God gave us a way out:
I always liked the tune, but not the modern series’s of Dr Who:
Because the woman of old appreciated her husband for so much, protection, food, safety, compassion, his hard work in the fields, and so on, she fed him well, she was proud to bring up his and her children, she didn’t give a hoot about how other people saw her or them, they lived for each other, not for attention, not for the crowd. Today due to feminism, women live for women, even in the religious families the women use makeup, are vain, demanding and so on. Women used to show love and appreciation to her husband and he replied bad with the same. Today women demand and bite the hand that loves them.
There are many images around about women need to be treated with love and they will respond with love – but it seems to be back to front.
Women are feminism, vain, selfish (abortion proves this clearly), value being seen as a sexual piece of meat (childish vanity), and they treat their men as second-hand objects, people who they can discard if he does not meet her expectations and demands. When he finally is fed up with it and responds by going off with another women (younger more than likely because they still have some fun in them, like sex, and are not indoctrinated with feminism completely yet) his wife cries how she was hard down by and what a prick he was for leaving her for a younger woman.
The tip my friend in the USA got $100. God Blessed her 🙂
Jordan Peterson said that when he started YouTube it was to watch the cat video’s 🙂
Seems that a lot of people read the books about people as Christians struggling by and when they need money and such God gives it to them. The rich people or middle class read such true stories and feel, ‘I have all the money I want right here, I can buy what I want, so why would I want or need to follow God!” and that is how they feel, like the rich man and the eye of the needle.
And they are right about the security of money, this truly exists, but I think that it is really about faith and trust.
You see, for me I started at the bottom and found out that when I prayed God helped me. People who have money don’t have that faith and trust because they have money and for me if I needed something I would pray and for the middle class they just go buy it, and they like (and so do I) that kind of security.
Life is short, but not short enough to put aside a year or two to learn, be low on cash and find out how to rely on God totally, completely, lovingly and with your total heart.
If you rely on God then when you have lots of money you won’t waste it and you won’t shame yourself and God.
Relying on God means safety, security, help, guidance, and living a good life that you won’t be ashamed of. If money is more important to you then thats that.
“Lack of direction, not lack of time is the problem. We all have twenty-four hour days.” – Zig Ziglar.
It is easy to get caught in the trap,
Thinking that life is an easy rap,
Wasting your time out and about,
And then life sorts us out.
We don’t need no thought control!
He had a vision in his head of God’s hand reaching down from heaven and lifting him to safety. The water started to rise in his house. His neighbour urged him to leave and offered him a ride to safety. The man yelled back, “I am waiting for God to save me.” The neighbour drove off in his pick-up truck.
Time won’t wait for no one.
What should you wish to those who hurt you deeply and turned away from you when you needed them most – Wish them Love.
Somewhere in time.
Knight and Day Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz
43-New Logo I have been working on.