A lot of people these days will have sex with someone, for the first time…
A lot of people these days will have sex with someone, especially the first time, due to wanting to get it over with, scratch an
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A lot of people these days will have sex with someone, especially the first time, due to wanting to get it over with, scratch an
Communication solves many problems. Sometimes people don’t understand the other, and sometimes they have the impression that communication happened when it didn’t. – James
Everyone comes with emotional baggage – I firmly believe that true love is the healer for all life’s troubles in a troubled heart and weary
Marriage has to be the greatest gift of all because of its depth of goodness. A man, a woman, children – a continuation that breeds
Humble and Submissive: ▫️ We are to be Humble and Submissive to hear God. We cannot hear if we are talking loud and aggressively full
Leap in faith…. A Leap In Faith is like standing at a cliff edge where you can see over the cliff and the fall is
We need to find God, and He cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is the friend of silence. See how nature – trees,
People want to know why they should follow God after they become believers in Christ. The main reason is that God sees the future that
My son Jimmy and I were talking about life and God and he told me a story about a dog that got so excited about
If you go through life always feeling very bad when you have let someone down, even by accident, this can be because the Narcissists in
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Sewing. Skills/Hobbies. Slang. Stories & Books. Tips.
Tools. Toxic Parenting. Whats It Mean? Women. Words. Woodwork. Woodwork Basic Lessons.
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