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Last Friday my work mate on Security Patrol came over and gave me a 55 inch TV, as she had upgraded.
I have not had a TV for many years so this was an interesting change for me, and I was happy to accept her TV.
Since I don’t have Sky and public TV and have no intention of using those services I thought it wise to connect up my computer or laptop and decided to go for the Laptop.
To do this I needed an HDMI cable as both the Laptop and TV had those connections.
Images 1, 2 and 3 show this type of cable and where it plugs into a Laptop. The TV would have the HDMI connection at the back or possibly on one of the sides.
Last Friday my work mate on Security Patrol came over and gave me a 55 inch TV, as she had upgraded.
I have not had a TV for many years so this was an interesting change for me, and I was happy to accept her TV.
Since I don’t have Sky and public TV and have no intention of using those services I thought it wise to connect up my computer or laptop and decided to go for the Laptop.
To do this I needed an HDMI cable as both the Laptop and TV had those connections.
Images 1, 2 and 3 show this type of cable and where it plugs into a Laptop. The TV would have the HDMI connection at the back or possibly on one of the sides.
Your TV should have a Menu that you can access with your Remote Control for the TV.
Image 4 shows the Menu for my TV. You should see something about “Source” which is the source (input) and in this case it was set to TV and not to the input that I wanted.
Select the Source List as is seen in Image 5 and then press the Enter (Return) Button.
In my case HDMI is down as Game but it makes no difference.
Now select HDMI and then Enter.
What you have done here is told the TV that its input is the HDMI cable and all that comes from that cable should be shown on the TV screen. This also takes care of the sound.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
11th of April, 2021.
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