Vacuum Hose Handle Not Fit a bigger Vacuum Pipe?

I have been doing this little trick for years.
If you have two pipes that you need to join, with one slipping into the other, but one is too big, here is your answer.

For me, I have a 1970’s vacuum cleaner I got in a garage sale. But somehow I have lost the pipe that goes into the vacuum handle.

I decided to use a modern (I have 3 vacuum cleaners) vacuum cleaner pipe, but it was too big.

Image 1

Image 1 shows on the left, the new Vacuum Pipe and on the Right the Old Vacuum Pipe.
The Old Pipe was too small to fit into the new Pipe.

Image 2

What I have done in such cases when wanting to firmly join two pipes of unequal sizes is get some electrical tape and tape the smaller pipe as is seen in Image 2. The tape has been wound around the pipe enough times to make a firm connection so that no air can be wasted, thus keeping the vacuum efficient and the pipe secure and sealed.

Image 3

Once I tested the pipes to see that the join was what was needed (Image 3) I pushed the pipes firmly together and vacuumed the floor.

This 1970’s vacuum ha a lot of power and still works fine. It would be a shame to thriow the entire vacuum cleaner away simply because I could not find the pipe that came with it.

With this makeshift fix-up job the vacuum cleaner works perfectly, and the new pipe now can fit on two vacuum cleaners.

All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
28th of December, 2021.