Make Your Own Ring Connector.

There are times in Engineering and Electronics where you may need to make your own parts due to being too far from a shop, or the weather is bad, or for some Breadboarding prototype, and so on.
I have done this a few times in the past with great success and it works fine, so I thought that I would pass this on in case you need a Homemade Ring Connector.

Image 1 shows us some of the types of Ring Connectors that you find at the store.

What we want to do is to make your own and have it be sturdy and do the job as we require.

Get some wire that you intend to attach a Ring Connector too and strip off the insulation at the end.
Make the bare end as long as you will need it as it will need to be made into a circle big enough for the job you need it for.

Image 3

You can use a pen or something similar and make a circle, then twist the end bit of wire around the bottom of the circle as is shown in Image 3.
Clean up the frayed strands of wire.

Image 4

Get your trusty soldiering iron out and after heating it up apply soldier to the entire circle of wire making it had like a metal ring, so that if a bolt was put through it and tightened up the Homemade Ring Connector will stand up to it and not break.

Image 5

The end result is seen in Image 5.

It may not be as pretty or fancy as a store bought Ring Connector but it will do the job.

Don’t forget to put some insulating tape around the base of the ring.

I hope you find this helpful.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
26th of March,. 2021.