In the image above we see a box. Brackets hold the box to the ceiling.
For dramatic effect this little contraptions scatters leaves effectively to the stage below.
First find out what size box you want, then get the material to either make a box or to use an already existing box.
Cut out one end of the box and use that to put inside so that it will slide when the string is gently pulled, thus scattering the leaves to the stage below and over the actors.
The string should be center of the board it is pulling.
This system could also be used to scatter fake snow, paper and other things over the people acting below.
If a big electrical fan was off stage, to one side, and was on, then the items (leaves in this case) being dropped would float and scatter with the wind giving a natural look.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
26th of April, 2021.