A Deep-Thinker ponders a thought.

A Deep-Thinker ponders a thought. They consider all the options, and try to see different points of view from all angles.

They also investigate what they have been told and use their common-sense, intuition, prayer and investigation to find the truth.
Often they will not commit themself to what they have been told until they are truly satisfied that it is the truth (regardless of who told them of what it is that they are considering).

The Shallow-Thinker believes what has been told to them without any proof or proof of their own (They don’t need visual facts or solid evidence) and act with full judgment and accusations.
Shallow thinkers just skim over the thought in their minds and only use a small part of their mental capabilities to find the truth, they often stop far short of the truth and settle with whatever they have been told – even if it is not from a reliable source.
Shallow thinkers are often getting into trouble because they are not deep thinkers. And although the warnings of life are right in front of them their eyes just skim over them and they continue forward ignoring risks and fall often. Sometimes they are saved by some serious event “waking them up from their dream-world” so they start to see life as it is.
The next time someone comes a knocking on your door telling stories you have the choice of choosing the above two choices to find the truth. For the sake of fairness and your own sanity, take your time and consider your options no matter who has told the story to you. Don’t (at least at first) believe what people tell you – you do have the ability to think and investigate.
Agreeing with someone for the sake of agreeing is a weak thing to do. Agreeing with the hope of being “popular” is a very weak thing to do.
Standing alone and considering what you have been told and investigating while refusing to be a part of the Witch-Hunt is the strong and courageous thing to do.
God honors those who stand alone and do the right thing because it is the right thing and saves people from being hurt. Also with time and patience the truth surfaces, but the shallow thinker will probably miss it, while the deep thinker will be ready for the truth and will act on it accordingly.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
First Published – September 7, 2012.