Child’s Imprint.

When a child is small, in those very early years, the child has a certain innocence. The child has an imprint built into it from God. The child even at a very young age, even when first born, has the intelligence to know what it is and who those are who are with the child. This imprint tells that child what a mother is, and what a father is.

It is like the flowers who are looked after and mentioned in the Bible, we humans even as babies were given the intelligence to know many things. Just because we do not have the ability at that age to get up and take care of ourself or have an adult conversation we still have the ability to think and know many things. Human beings take a long time to grow.

Because a mother and father cannot speak to the child in a way that the child can exactly know what the parent wants or is talking about there is a certain amount that cannot be said unless it is said with the heart and with physical love and kindness that goes from the parent to the child and back from the child to the parent. This is bonding, a maternal bonding glued with heavenly love.

When a parent turns her or his back on their child and treat the child in a manner that is mean or cruel, the child knows this is not right. This is like a heart broken romance. This is the closest I can come to explaining this to fellow adults. The child feels hurt emotionally, and depending on the situation and the child the child may cry externally or internally. The child feels mentally or spiritually torn apart and feels this emotional rejection and pain deeply. These feelings can have very tragic affects on that child’s future life.

Many children who have been rejected as a child go onto to ‘clinging’ to people when they grow up. Mostly this has a negative affect on everyone because it is a forced ‘reaction’ and not a true feeling. It is a response.

All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
Tuesday, ‎8 ‎August ‎2006, ‏‎5:39:10 PM.