The child must learn to understand the things that are acceptable in society where rules and regulations are concerned. The child must be taught what is right to do and what is wrong to do and to know that to do the wrong thing is to do the unacceptable.
You must let your child know through your teachings what you will accept, which is the same as what is good. And you must be equally clear to your child as to what you will not accept.
Your child must know that certain behaviour will get him or her punished. And once he or she is punished then that child must learn through the punishment what is right or wrong. The punishment should be some form of teacher as well as a reminder of what the child did wrong and that it was an unacceptable offence. The child should through the punishment and the verbal speech after the crime or wrongdoing know clearly what is that he or she did wrong and importantly why it was wrong. What may be easily clear to you as an adult may very well be not clear to your child’s way of thinking. Also that child may also be influenced by other people, mostly children and mostly children of his or her own age group.
A clear picture of what the crime was, and what the resulting punishment is, then the child will have no real excuse if he or she does the wrongdoing again. Make it clear to the child that the next time the problem arises that he or she has no excuse for the crime because it has been clearly and simply explained in a manner that he or she will understand what the child did wrong. But most importantly the child will also know the result if that crime is done again, and this must be clear to the child as any other definite fact.
The child must learn that his or her child rights are to some degree limited when he or she is being punished. Just as it is when a person goes to jail for a crime. But fairness is very important when a parent is punishing a child. And the parent must know that the child is guilty.
The child must learnt that the words that he speaks can be a blessing to other people, and it can be a torment to other people. He must choose which or to use. You must teach that child which is the right choice.
After each child has left home he or she will choose the rules of which he or she will obey in his or her heart.
A parent must not accept disrespectful behaviour from a child. But a parent must be aware that sometimes this type of behaviour comes from a child who (either mistakenly or not) believes that he or she has been treated unfairly, or feels that he or she feels no respect from the child’s parent/s.
All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
Saturday, 14 October 2006, 6:20:28 PM.
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