Parenting & Children Notes.

It is possible that when you have a child who is misbehaving or not doing as he or she is told to remove the
other children of the home and deal with the child in a one-to-one situation.


Here is an example to illustrate this point. We have a boy who has over some time become messy. He often argues about whether he should do the work asked of him (even if he made the mess by himself), or refuses to do all his work, or the work that is required of him as a family member. All children in the family home should share the family chores.

If a parent or both parents have the other family members such as other children, parents, and other relations move away from he family home for a short period of time, say about a week or so, then the parents can rework the naughty child’s mind where discipline and his place in the home.

The child often would claim that he couldn’t clean up a room due to the room being messed up by many people other than him. You may tell him that he must do his bit to help everyone out in the house. But still he struggles with this use of common sense. The parents will realise that the child may not know just how much mess is of his own creation. The parents could tell the child that while the other family members are gone he will only clean up his messes. You, the parent, will clean up your messes. And you and the child can share (if the child is old enough) some chores such as doing the dishes etc.

I am sure that the child will be surprised at how much mess the child makes on his or her own. This valuable time between you and this child is a good time for you to be together and talk of the issues that have been bothering you both. Do let the child know that this is not a situation that is likely to be repeated in the near future, but it is a good time you both to learn about each other, and clear up many issues that may have arisen in recent times.

This is also a time when the child shouldn’t be distracted by electronic toys, television, radio, music, etc, etc.

All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
‎Friday, ‎13 ‎April ‎2007, ‏‎5:22:56 PM.