Parenting & Children Notes.

An Experience from The Heart.

There was a man who had two small daughters, one 3 and the other 4 years old. There mother had left them all and was off trying to live a new life. She was not a good mother.

This man had watched his own mother bring him and his sisters up and he was not happy with the way that she went about things.

Because he didn’t agree with the way that his mother and wife had brought up their particular children he felt that he needed to do more, and at the least try something different. So he decided to follow his heart. He saw his children as little people. He knew that in the big wide world that they were defenseless and that they needed his help. He knew that children should be guided, and guided with a loving heart from somebody who really wants the best for them and not (all the time) put himself first. A good balance was needed here.

He had helped his mother bring up his sisters, he was the second eldest child, so he knew this and that about the work ahead of him. Mostly he knew some of the physical work ahead of him like household chores etc.

He knew that he would make mistakes and would fumble with this and that because he was trying to remember from his childhood what to do and trying to do the best that he could do as he went along in the present time.

He treated his two little girls with care. He tried to focus on fairness, and did the best that he could not to put one child ahead of the other in any situation. One of his children was the focus of dull comments, and she was seen to be not so smart so got the help from her sister and they did all that they could to give her a mental boost in life. She grew up to be an intelligent child who is very useful in her ways. he spent a lot of time with these tow little children.

His friends still came to visit them, and they did things together. But his most important efforts were on his children. He wanted them off to a good start in life. But he didn’t want to over-mother them as well.

All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
‎Sunday, ‎29 ‎April ‎2007, ‏‎9:39:54 AM.