For many women this book will be a start to her “coming out of the closet” to start her knew life as a woman, and not a slave to her addictions and society.
What addictions you may ask. Well woman over the last few centuries have gained many addictions which are focused on woman alone, even though recently some have become interesting to males.
Females have always had an interest in looking good for themselves and for males. A woman wants to feel that she looks attractive and that she is noticed by the male that she may want to attract to her.
Although I am not sure how many females will admit to it you may be surprised to find that Female Attractiveness has become an addiction for women, vanity. The lengths that a woman will go to appear attractive are truly surprising.
The word “attractive” is defined by the looker and not the person who is judged to be attractive or not. For a woman (or man) to try to be attractive she is aiming for something that would be truly hard to achieve. How can a person achieve something that she doesn’t know yet? What I mean is how can a woman attract males if she doesn’t know what that particular male likes or what males in general really like? She can’t, but she can try. And women will spend enormous amounts of money trying to be somebody that she is not.
All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
Monday, 6 November 2006, 11:34:38 AM.