by James M Sandbrook

The Special Abilities of a Woman

One day I was in a room standing and I was talking to a female. She was sitting in a chair. During the conversation she reached down and tied up her shoe lace. This may seem nothing to you, but at that moment I thought of how effortlessly she did the task. and it was then that I thought of all those wonderful tasks that woman do so much better and easier than a male. This female was nimbly doing this simple task while talking to me

Of course many of these tasks seem to be so easy for a female.

Females have some wonderful abilities. Females were made for certain tasks. Child-bearing being the most obvious. But there are many other abilities that a woman has that she may not realise. In the work force some of these abilities are obvious. Working with papers, bookkeeping, organisation, neatness, promptness, on time, to name just a few. In the home women have the same abilities and more such as, mental toughness to deal with family interactions, the females natural ability to cook, once again organisation should be mentioned, clean and tidy habits, a strong feeling of right and wrong, natural intuition, natural feel for doctoring (even with no qualifications at all), able to juggle many different jobs at once, be a good reader, a good teacher, and especially a good homely friend to all members of the family.

Back in the past when a woman married she immediately set about the task of putting the bits together to create a stable home. She worked on the foundations for that stable home while her husband worked in the work force. This was no simple task, and as many woman will agree, it is still no simple task. But it is amazing that no matter what changes have been made in the family home with progress and time, women still have that ability to be the foundation of a good loving secure home.

All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
Wednesday, ‎1 ‎November ‎2006, ‏‎11:52:00 AM.