by James M Sandbrook

Women are not from Venus and Men are not from Mars.


People today try to explain the differences between a male and a female. The way that they have gone about this is to look at the male and the female as two very different species. Women are from one planet and men are from another planet. This is very, very far from the truth. Women are viewed in this strange way and so are men.

We know that there is mostly an obvious physical difference between a man and a woman. But spiritually a man was designed to “connect” to a woman. This connection is what makes them both together as “one”.

Over the last 100 years much has changed in the family home. Women and men both act very different in many ways. But history should be used to show us a good example of how we are supposed to be as people. We need to look back and learn. We seem to feel that 100 years of knowledge is enough to ignore many, many thousands of years of fact.

Men and women are clearly designed to be together. Both are equal. Both have particular things that each of them can do that the other may have more trouble doing. There are some that things only a man can do and there are some things that only a woman can do.

To get some things in order and bring men and women back together where they belong we need to be honest with ourselves just as we were about changing our personal selves.

A male and a female in marriage are a compliment of each other. He is not complete without her and she is not complete without him. This does not mean that he is useless without her or that she is useless without him. But together is how they were designed to be.

Together they are powerful. They can create life. They can mold life. They can bring together complete societies with other men and women. Together is how God wants them to be.

Together they are love as God intended their form of love to be. A man and woman together in harmony.

Together as parents they also compliment each other. She has something important to add to the relationship and so does he. Both have something to add to the upbringing of their children. Just as she can add what only she can add to the relationship between a man and woman in marriage physically, she can also add much to the relationship mentally and spiritually.

Womens Liberation is the result of some women who feel that they have been given a raw deal by the males in their life and the males in society and some very interesting trickery. Some males have used the females in their lives in an abusive manner. Some males have seen fit to abuse everyone in their lives (some females have done this as well). Some laws seem to discredit females and not allow women to have the same rights as males. Some laws have gone to far has given women more rights than they should have.

If you believe in God and His work for you and I, then you will know that God is good, marriage is good, love is good, and it all works when they are both, male and female, in harmony with each other. And you will (hopefully) know that God did not create women as creatures to be abused by males in any way. Females and males are a special connection of two souls in marriage.

Women need to understand that the males of this world and of this current time in history have been misguided by many things. Men need to realise that the women of this world are suffering from the same problems.

It is well known that if a person is hurt in any manner we humans seem to be low on forgiveness and heavy on attack and future defense. It may no be an “eye for and eye”, but it can be a “crime for jail”.

A part of your heart is meant to be for your husband or wife, but if your heart if full of greed, selfishness, and of yourself then there is no room for those that you should really love – your Godly family.

James Martin Sandbrook.
– ‎Thursday, ‎1 ‎February ‎2007, ‏‎7:58:00 PM.