Have you been to a home and people are using bad language, the parents verbally-“snapping” at the children and themselves.
Maybe some one is getting drunk, and/or someone is rolling a marijuana joint, people wearing rags, etc and they all act like the life that they are living is normal.
If you mention that their life is a mess or wrong the pride rises and they go on about “family being blood” etc.
Go into a home and the TV is going, the entire family is watching, and they watch it for the next 5 hours. To them this is “normal living”. They have accepted the 9 to 5 way of life and live it, and defend it.
Many people live miserable lives, and they refuse to believe it. Some turn to drug abuse, alcohol abuse or something else to make life seem worth it, even their young therapist tells them that this is normal modern social behaviour. Because the therapist or whoever has conformed to society too.
If we accept what our own family and friends tell us is normal, then we will just plod along through life like them.
A family is a small social circle who gather friends of “like-mind”, remember, “Birds of a feather flock together” and this creates a bigger circle of people like the family.
One day you have this amazing “Awakening” and you realize that the things that your family partakes in are “not you” and you feel it wise to move on.
You can guarantee that the immediate family and all the friends will gather together to ensure you stay with them and stay like them.
Guilt and many other unscrupulous methods are used to keep the family member towing the line.
Breaking free is using logic.
If the family is not who you want to be like and it is obvious that they are far away from your thinking, then obviously you don’t belong there no matter what they say and threaten.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook
Monday, 27 April 2015, 9:19:18 PM.
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