Strong willed people have found out that if you give a person half a chance they will abuse you.
Our acceptance of the abuse is us telling them that it is fine too use and abuse us, because we will do nothing to stop it, we will not defend ourself, and we will allow the abuse to continue.
They abuse you sometimes because of their own self-recognised weaknesses and insecurities. Some were treated like that as children and have decided that they will never allow themselves to be abused again, so they take on the role of their previous abusers and abuse others – possibly their own children, because it is easier to abuse those who people have natural authority over.
Narcissists and bullies find it easy to abuse children in their care because the children look up to the adults for correction, advice, help, guidance, etc. Children trust parents, aunties and uncles etc with faith, love and respect. So some careful manipulating can have the child abused, and the child accepting the abuse “as their lot in life” or even groomed to enjoy the abuse.
The child is not stupid. The child’s soul is empty at birth and bad parenting can cause the child’s soul to be filled with the wrong things. And innocence stolen. Little innocent hearts broken.
All the best from James Martin Sandbrook.
Wednesday, 16 September 2015, 10:46:21 AM.