All this time you have believed that you were weak, and you thought that you were pathetic.
You were taught that you needed them and that they would fix you.
They tell you that it is another’s fault, that you have “issues”, that they are innocent and are only doing (at great sacrifice for you) what is needed to cure you of your “issues”.
Well they fixed you alright, stuck it to you good and proper. They taught you to hate your happiness by telling you that it was evil and bad, they pointed your heart away from truth and together they told you lies.
They knew that as long as you doubted your instincts, and doubted your heart and soul, then they could have you jumping and dancing to their tune of lies, deceit and trickery.
They mounted a campaign of convincing fallacy and myths, their propaganda, expertise, and reports were too much for your gullible mind. You allowed the one who was the most important to you to suffer for the sake of your pride and reputation.
Some people love the liars so much that they cover up the evidence of their deceit and lies to pretend that they love and respect us. But deep down inside we can’t hide the doubts that keep creeping into our mind.
Your mind, which was blinded by the liars, was “thinking” one thing, while your soul, body and instincts screamed the opposite. But the mind and the fear of rejection of family and friends, the fear of being laughed at is stronger than love and having what you need the most.
So you continue to suffer, you continue to give them chances, you continue to be a puppet dancing to their tune, Ave you continue to get nowhere.
We all got to wake up sometime. Needless suffering is taking place, suffering that we often don’t know about until we finally get up the courage to do what we have wanted to do from the beginning, but didn’t have the courage to do.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
Tuesday, 1 September 2015, 6:44:41 PM.
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