Machine gun attacks when you know that you have a good point or that you are right.
Avoid arguments that have nothing to do with the original argument, because other arguments take you away from your original argument.
Be mighty and stubborn, and I do mean mighty.
Refuse to shut up, refuse to stop arguing, and if you get a phone call or someone tries to stop you are going just keep on.
Don’t milk things down or let others do it – if you are arguing about abortion, call the baby a baby, not a fetus, because the baby is a baby, it is a child, it just has not experienced life out of the womb yet, call a spade a spade, tell it like it is, don’t accept PC fake.
Be determined, be set in your mind, but not narrow minded.
Try not to insult, but if they do, have a witty reply, if not – look at their insult and see if there is truth there, and you may say, “Well, I do fail in that way sometimes, I guess we all do.” and that turns the insult or failing into a con man human failing and lets you off the hook.
One of the things to do when debating is not to take what they say as an insult. Let them insult, you are above this, let it go.
Church, let the insults go over your head.
If you don’t soak up the insult you won’t get taken off track. If you don’t allow people to become sympathetic then sympathy-soaking won’t be your weak point.
Keep focused, really focused, deeply focused, and refuse to go off subject.
Ask yourself, if you have to argue your values and beliefs, why are you with someone you have to argue with?
All the best from James Martin Sandbrook.
Monday, 11 October 2021, 3:47:21 PM.
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