The Narcissists.

The narcissists struggles greatly with getting honest help from people who they have unfairly labeled as untrustworthy.
Since the narcissist has always been suspicious of all people then he or she will often not see honesty right in front of them, even though it is there in pain sight.

Since the narcissist lives by a code that does not treat others fair then the narcissist will believe that his or her tactics are what works and are efficient, so in a practical sense to the narcissist this type of thinking is logical.
When the narcissist comes across a kind meek innocent person the narcissist sees the kind person as a fool who needs help, weak, easy to be unfair to, easy to manipulate, and the narcissist thinks that the meek humble people are so weak and naive that they need the cold hearted thinking of the narcissist to protect them in a society that is harsh.
So the narcissist deludes his or herself into pretending that being an abuser and bully is doing the victim a big favour. The narcissist will be sure to let the victim know of all the “sacrifices” that the narcissist has done to help the victim, and of course this helps make the victim feel guilty and to become submissive once again.

Normally the “sacrifices” are things that a parent, husband of wife normally do anyway, with a few genuine nice things put in as well.

Once the narcissist has used the cold-hearted logic of the mind to make their position as an abuser and bully to make the narcissist into a hero, then the narcissist goes about their devious ways happy to be a service to others, but in reality just feathering his or her own nest, with a few minor perks going in the way of the victim. Once the narcissist has concluded that he or she is a good worthy person then the narcissist will allow no guilty feelings to interfere with the abusive behaviour or bully tactics that he or she uses on the victims.

If people argue with the narcissist then, “They don’t understand the struggles and suffering that the narcissist must go through.” (Self pity). Some narcissist have trained their own mind to feel so sorry for themself that they use self pity as an excuse to be selfish and a bully.

And in defense in arguments the narcissist can assume that the person arguing with the narcissist is wrong, abusive, a bully, etc. It is a defense tactic to reverse the roles and accuse the good person of being what the narcissist really is.

This is because the narcissist has become a strong believer in his or her own self (narrow minded, prideful and blind to any input that does not fit the narcissists view of themself and what he or she does), and has already concluded that he or she is a person of integrity and only does what they do for the good of others (and no one can tell he or she otherwise).

The narcissist, believing that he or she is very deserving, suffering and loyal, will take all the cake, and with pity for the victim they will pass out crumbs.
There is little or no real respect between the narcissist and their victims.

Like a political person, the narcissist will sing a tune using the right words and phrases, but the actions of the narcissist are the opposite of what they speak.

If the political people were truthful, honest and loved the people then every country would be content, happy and wholesome and good. Look at the proof of the person’s work and don’t judge their worth on what they say. Anyone can say anything.
Often it takes a very serious and possibly frightening event to knock the narcissist of his or her self-made pedestal back down to earth to see his or her self more realistically.

This is why so many people become spiritual and religious after a serious car accident.

Some don’t though. Some people go back to how they were. But some people figure out that the world does not revolve around them and that he or she “is not the most important person in the world”.
You may have a narcissist parent and you pray for God to help and protect the parent, but in the end God can only do so much. God cannot give grace to someone who is obviously not going to repent and change his or her ways.

But God may chastise this person in an effort to knock that person off their perch of self-adoration. It is up to God.
You may have gone back to the world and fully expect God to support and protect you. But as stated above, God can only do so much with unrepentant people (going back to the world is going back on repentance – backsliding). And once again we have a situation where a person may be chastised to try to “nudge” this person back to God.
The world is full of unrepentant people, and the rewards for their stubbornness is obvious in their own lives. They call it bad luck though and coincidences.

All the best from James Martin Sandbrook.
‎Friday, ‎11 ‎March ‎2016, ‏‎10:34:28 AM.

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