Two Narcissists.

Be careful who you trust:

I remember years ago arguing with someone who I was trying to help and to protect. For a long time I was trying to convince this person that this other person was trouble and was using them. But for some reason I could never get through to this person. Now this person was not stupid, so why couldn’t they see common sense? I was baffled, and sometimes they talked me back around to believing their story of lies.

Then one day fed up while arguing with this person “the penny dropped” as they say, and I realised that this person was in total belief and sympathy for person I was trying to get them to realize was a bad person.

It was as if I was getting fooled all over again. Because the person I was trying to warn this person against was a narcissist, and I finally realise that the one I was trying to help, and who I thought that I could get help off was a narcissist too. That is why they “would not” (not could not) see what was wrong with the first narcissist.

Both were in sympathy with each other, but I failed to see that the second one was treating me just as the first one had in many ways.

I was running around in circles thinking that I was making progress, but in reality they had me exactly where they wanted me to be.

Narcissist’s like to make the victim think that they are making headway, and this keeps the victims hoping, but the victims just go round and round in circles never achieving the results they want, abs the crafty narcissist gets the results that they want.

Remember narcissist’s get your sympathy, they play the victim, they play the friend, and many are family.

Once I realised that both were the same as the other, I walked away. It was the only thing to do. Arguing with them was a total waste of time, and a waste of my life.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.

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