Your life was designed to be peaceful, relaxed and in the world.

Your life was designed to be peaceful, relaxed and in the world. We are tuned into the sounds of nature and people.

Offices, buildings, cars, the fast lane, and a lot of modern living is not what we were designed for and they are part of the reason why people get stressed out.

The sounds of nature are the natural sounds that the human mind has heard since the beginning of time.

We are more at peace with animals than machines, and animals are more natural to work with. They also offer friendship and a natural spiritual communication between human and beast.

The soul wants to be where it knows that it feels at peace with itself, and that is in its natural habitat, in Nature, on the planet.

Music had always been popular to human beings. But natural, peaceful, gentle, happy music is a blessing to the soul.

Good, peaceful, community relations are what we desire.

All the negative feelings and actions are reactions to bad teachings, reacting to events, and how we where treated and taught, guided, especially as a child etc.

Pride trends to make us create a faked image of ourself that others and we, ourselves come to believe is true.

All the best from James Martin Sandbrook.
‎Saturday, ‎15 ‎November ‎2014, ‏‎9:35:26 AM.

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