Your Imagination.

I own the album by Brian Wilson called Imagination. The song Imagination has these words in it, “your imagination running wild… “.

Sometimes as I go through my day I let my imagination get the better of me and I doubt things, I might worry etc.

And many times those words come to me, “your imagination running wild… ” or I start whistling the tune, hum or sing the song and then I realise that I am letting my imagination come up with all sorts of situations. Only one situation can ever really be the truth, so it is silly even considering the wild imaginations, fears and worries that like to try to entertain our minds.

Trust not in your own understanding of things, instead only trust God’s guidance and direction for your life.

Proverbs Chapter 3, verses 5-7:
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Be not wise in thine own eyes…

If you don’t know what is happening and you haven’t asked everyone “in the know” what’s going on then you don’t know. Never be guided by gossip or the opinions of others, follow God because God will show you right from wrongs.

Follow your instinct and listen to the Holy Spirit on your quiet times. Read the Word.

When you find that your imagination has taken off again, bring it back down to earth swiftly and be determined not to be led astray by those that offer no proof (gossip etc) or wild imaginings.

God will make things known in good time.

All the best from James M Sandbrook.
‎Saturday, ‎28 ‎February ‎2015, ‏‎8:02:40 AM.

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