We are human beings. We are a part of Creation, we are a living part of nature. But we are also very complex. We have emotions, feelings, and the ability to plan, think, design, motivate, create and so much more?
Because we are so complex and amazing we can become confused, and lose our track and become lost and lonely.
In our confusion and breaking away from God we have become attached to the things that God was trying to lead us away from or to enjoy in a more controlled and mature way, the very things that will destroy you and I if we can’t control ourselves, the very things that seem fun and rewarding up close, but they burn us in the long run with continued uncontrolled use.
The Garden of Eden on earth today is the person following God and living a peaceful, fruitful life with strong boundaries, and following the good values that most of the Bible inspires us to live.
[This is unfinished and the text file was called “The Opening”, so I assume that it was the start of something that I was writing but didn’t get back to doing]
All the best from James Martin Sandbrook.
Thursday, 9 January 2014, 9:22:52 PM.