The Development of the Mind

As a child I received a lot of criticism of my ability or non-ability to think as others did. I remember as a small boy my father with the palm of his big hand whacking me behind the head and myself flying forward at speed with the head going so fast that the feet could not keep up and plowing into a wall – that same event had me on the floor, knees to my face crying and y father telling my mother that if I didn’t stop crying he was going to give me something to cry about. At times he called me thick and an idiot, along with my mother and a sister telling me the same things regularily.

You have heard of thsoe cases where people tend to pick on a child and in some cases they eventually kill the child. Why adults do this is unclear except that it is immature bullying of someone too small to defend themselves.

The impression given to me that I was not of the same quality of others and especially my lack of thinking skills was being taught to me.

What I learned from my deeply Atheist modern family that had not moral standards, no limits of indecency, and with parents of limited parenting skills was that a child can not form mentally so that the “Thinking Process” does not develop in the normal way or even possibly at all in that child or the children.

Do I dare to suggest that there are people out there who are considered by their peers as “Mental Cases” who are really fine, but their ability to think and use logic, common sense, and so on has had them fail a lifetime of tests created by developed minds and failed those tests with flying colours. In other words labeled and classified as a hopeless case that will never be an active or useful member of society and it is assumed that this person cannot and will never be able to cope without the help of “more developed minds”.

As a child people told me that I was:

  • Thick
  • Stupid
  • Dense
  • An Imbecile
  • Moron
  • Dumb and so on…

The lesson was quickly learned by me that I was not up to standard and that clearly due to my struggles to cope where others were easily coping was clear and obvious evidence that I was a born loser and idiot and that’s the place I should take in the world.

If the Mental Structure of the Mind is weak and not developed a person cannot function with simple logic and lacks the ability to cope as others do.

I did a lot of questioning as a child and was often told to “keep quiet”. I gave it up one day when I was in Huntly primary School and a female teach lost the plot and me and told me to basically shut-up in font of the whole class when I had raised my hand to ask her a question about what she was teaching us children – she was furious at me, and probably had assumed that the class idiot was wasting her time – and from her reaction to my asking a question and the class reaction I, from that day on, stopped asking questions in school.

Later on as an adult I would ask a question, and even risking looking like a complete idiot I would ask more questions until I was satisfied that I understood. But as a child I became scared of asking questions so I stopped doing it.

The Mental Structure of the Mind is the wood, steel, and concrete that makes a strong Mental Foundation to arm the young adult with the ability to grow and mature so that he or she can cope in the world in a courageous confident manner with all the general coping skills intact, and from that point the young adult can form their Mental Structure on their own from Life Experiences and other forms of Learning/Education.

If the Mental Structure of the Mind is not formed, as was the case with me, the child becomes mentally lost and unable to cope and tends to rely on others more. When we reply on others they become our thinker while we just basically follow along.

I didn’t have anyone to rely on. I did try to get help off adults and friends, but I found that once people got an idea that I was “dim” that helping me was waste of their time. There were adults that were peppered in my life that helped me, and for that i was forever grateful, but there were never around long enough for my Mental Structure of the Mind to form into a solid reliable Mental Foundation.

From my studies of the Clair Case Study and years of being involved in this I was very aware of her lack of ability to realize that she was “not all there’ as they say as an adult. She could function but not Mentally See what was happening to her nor did she have the capability to free herself.

Thinking of my own childhood and my very weak Mental Structure of the Mind I realized that people could manipulate weak minded people such as I and Clair so that we were incapable of understanding what they were doing to us, and even in the case of Clair, heavily relying on her captors, the very people who were doing her much harm and believing that they had her back protected.

When the Mental Structure of the Mind is weak, then one does not have the capability to understand or to Work Out what is going on. The Mental Tools that were supposed to be created as a child were not formed, not used much, leaving the mind as a child and adult incapable of discerning right from wrong, and the mind incapable of seeing the obvious signs of manipulation and of their being abuse,d used and that being captive was what was keeping the victim from safety and a normal life.

I found Clair to be a very frustrating person, and I would get angry at her from a distance because I would see her with bad people and she would have a dim “I trust these people” look on her face, until it finally occurred to me that she fits into society, and can even pass exams, drive a car, have a job, but her Mental Structure of the Mind is still very weak and incapable of being used by her because her Foundation of Life was built on sand.

Where manipulation is concerned they can ensure that the victim stays weak-minded and never escapes because the undeveloped mind is incapable of realizing that it is being mistreated as the abuse becomes normal life for the undeveloped mind. So in the case of Clair, she is married or attached to a narcissist manipulator who behind closed door mistreats her and publicly she makes out that all is well – if she doesn’t she will get her ears clipped at home afterwards. She assumes his authority and accepts it. This shows that just because a couple appears to be loving and stable on the outside, they can be the absolute opposite with one being the narcissist manipulator.

I became aware of my Mental Structure of the Mind myself and the likes of Clair  will as well. My guess is that her parents hope that they will die before Clair’s mind can figure it all out and go to the Police. But her parents will still have to face God when they die, so they will never get away with it – Atheism is the lie that deceives them.

The basics of this article is that if the child’s Mental Structure of the Mind is not developed in a strong wholesome mature way the child will become mentally unstable, weak minded, easily led, abused and such as an adult.
The Mental Health System will throw chemicals at the patient and label that person, and thus starts a lifetime of unneeded mental health care ensuring that the adult stays immature undeveloped and living a fraction of the life that he or she is capable of living, while also being an easy lifetime-victim to narcissists and abusers.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
13th of June, 2021.