“There is always something true in what a critic says about us”

I think that it was Dale Carnegie who said that “There is always something true in what a critic says about us”, so it is wise to try and listen without being offended as best as we can.
The wise listen to advice. The foolish way is to refuse to listen to wise advice and keep making the same mistakes over and over again.
We should never be so arrogant that when the truth is presented right before us that we cannot see it because we are blinded by false beliefs and arrogant self belief.
An example is the people of the days of Charles Dickens in England where children were starving in the streets. People just turned away, blind to the children’s suffering through choice. They chose to be blind and harsh because to them it was convenient. They didn’t want to spent their own money to help defenseless starving children. The children were abused and used in the working industry like slaves. When parents died of disease or whatever, the general public and the rich left the children to fend for themselves in society.
People like George Mueller had to start up orphanages out of their own funds and from churches and donations because the government, businesses and royalty were looking elsewhere and doing other things that they must have deemed more important.
People like Charles Dickens brought the children’s suffering and miseries to the public eye (Oliver Twist based on the working houses, and Nicholas Nickleby based on the terrible schooling system in those days) through his cleverly crafted books and wonderful humour, and some people were outraged enough to do something about it.
Please note that back then the rich, the governments, and the royalty were not interested in helping out as they should. It took genuine normal people like Dickens and Mueller to change the fate of the poor and suffering. Today, please don’t wait for your governments and the rich to help out, they have their own personal agendas to look after and pursue.
Let us not be blind as those in the past with our own lives and the lives of people all around us. Own up to the past. It takes guts and courage to look back and realise that we have made mistakes and even more courage to stand up for what is right and correct the past and make right the wrongs we have been involved in.
So look back to the past “knowing” and “admitting” first that we have made mistakes. It is a hard journey, but it cleanses the soul.
Proverbs Chapter 1, verses 5-7: A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings. The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Lets make a difference that will change lives and help people.
Lets be that force of genuine charitable love that God calls us to be to change the world. Lets be an example that frightens evil because we won’t give up being good, kind and charitable.
All the best from James M Sandbrook.
June 30, 2012.

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