Freezing Food

Freezing Layers of Food that are easy to come apart.

At times needed to freeze food and take it out separately. As we know some items in the freezer stick to each other and we have to break them apart because we only want one to eat that night at dinnertime.
To help separate the food that was frozen solid I would freeze certain foods in an Oven Dish. Not a full sized Oven Dish, but one that was about half sized and fit into the freezer.

For example lets say I was freezing Fish Fingers, and only one of my children liked them at dinner time. I would put a layer of Fish Fingers in the Oven Dish then a layer of Wax Paper, Parchment Paper, plastic (I try to avoid plastic products where I can), anything that will be healthy and come between the layers of food you add. Then I would add some more of the separator paper on top of the Fish Fingers and then another layer of Fish Fingers, and then another layer of separator paper.  This is very useful with boys, it is often said that boys are fussy eaters. My son often didn’t like what his 3 sisters liked so I would but what he liked as well and look it separately for him.

I remember at one stage getting a plastic bread bag (The one’s that loaves of sliced bread come in) and cutting that square and then using that as a separator layer and it worked fine. I suppose it would depend on the paper/plastic being used, its thickness, what it was made of etc.

Make sure that you leave a small gap between each item being frozen. When finished you can start again freezing the same thing or something else.
A possibility, which I have not tried is adding salt or seasoning,and then when the fish or whatever, is put into the frying pan or wherever, it will be pre-seasoned.

When you come to get say, 2 Fish Fingers, they come off easily, one by one.
It may take a little while to set up but will save you a lot of hassle and grief each time you want just a couple of something or just one.
This idea could also be used for possibly slices of onions and such.

You could also use as a container a freezer safe dish that was deep, so that you could add layers of food in it.