Water Distiller

When I started Fasting I drank only water. But by the third day  was always very sick and that left me confused because I was only taking in water, and water is healthy right?
Then I remembered studies I did years ago about chemicals in water and I realised that the chemicals being my only intake was making me very sick each time I Fasted.
One day an elderly woman was selling items on an auction site and she was selling a water distiller for about $30. I bought it off her and some other things.

I was very surprised at what was left in the distiller after I had distilled the normal tap water. Often it was unbearable to smell as the stench (yes, stench is the right word) as it was  disgusting. Often a thick white cream was left over.

Then I Fasted again and my only intake was distilled water and I felt fine, no bad reactions at all.

So from then on I only drink distilled water. This would probably explain my better health since then, lack of headaches I used to get and so on.

To cut down boiling time you can boil the water in a jug first and then distill it.

You can add juice to the water, fruit, leaves,  and the like to bring back the goodness. Sometimes I get orange juice and fill a jug with a quarter orange juice and distiller water for the rest. It is a lot healthier than what can be found in tap water which is Fluoride, Chlorine and so on. Many call tap water a Chemical Cocktail.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
15th of June, 2021.