We are all adventurers on this planet.

We are all adventurers on this planet. It was a choice made before we were born. God knew that we would find much adventure. Not on a chair watching the television, but out there in the world doing something, not for ourselves, but for others, sharing, caring, being there, helping, guiding, lifting people up, helping the struggling, its all an awesome adventure if we follow God and have God amazing abilities behind us leading, guiding us to the next adventure.
Selfish is the way to destruction and is often disguised as an adventure. Real adventure brings deep satisfaction of a day well spent. Nothing could feel more satisfying than seeing someone desperately in need helped and being the one to help them. I find nothing that I would love to do more.
Can you imagine how excited God gets when we do something good for some poor downtrodden soul who needs a shoulder to cry on? God lives for this. This is God’s way. Its all about spending our lives with other people, being there for one another. All in a clear thinking head, all based on that Commandment to Love One Another.
God is good, all the time – like we should be, all the time!
All the best from James M Sandbrook.

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