Following the crowd makes the crowd the pilot and we are pushed, pulled, and shoved in all directions.

Following the crowd makes the crowd the pilot and we are pushed, pulled, and shoved in all directions.
Being your own pilot takes self control, and self belief, and believing that you have a chance.
Piloting your own life is taking control from others and going in the direction that you know is where your heart lies.
It will be hard at first, and yes there will be resistance. Planes take off going into the wind, that is how they get their lift. You too must head into the wind, face the resistance and forge forward to your chosen destiny.
We never know who we are or what we are capable of unless we take the reigns and follow that dream.
The first step is the hardest, the second a bit easier, the third is when you start thinking that you are getting a good rhythm going, and onwards you go with the feeling of the breeze on your face, that wind, it is called “freedom” – go for it.
No one else is going to give your your dreams, only you can do that. Only you can choose. Only you can make it happen.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
10th of February, 2014.

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