If a Person is Submissive to an Abuser or Narcissist suspect The Stockholm Syndrome
and that the person may be in Survival Mode permanently.
Stockholm Syndrome is a psychological response sometimes seen in an abducted Soul, in which the Victim-Soul is loyalty to the abuser, regardless of the danger (or at least risk/abuse) in which the Victim-Soul has been placed. The Victim-Soul becomes scared at sometime in the past and the Captors (abusers, narcissist , manipulators etc, a person that catches or confines another) step in and take the Victim-Soul under their “protective” wing, giving the impression of love, care, and wanting the best for the Victim-Soul who is now in Survival Mode.
The idea situation for the Captor is to keep the Victim-Soul always in Survival Mode and Submissive Grateful Loyalty.
In this mental state the victim only see’s their captors with full trust, and are unable to comprehend anything else, even though evidence is put in front of the victim on a regular basis to show the true self of the captor/s and the red flags are waving.
The Victim-Soul is so trusting that whenever any idea, visions, thoughts of true freedom come forward the Victim-Soul will go to the captors and tell all, thus giving the ammunition to the captors to keep brainwashing and abusing the Victim-Soul.
The idea is to keep the Victim-Soul as gullible as possible and as blindly-loyal forever, thus the Victim-Soul is a willing participant in their own moral destruction as they are seduced on a constant bases with careful seduction to partake is soul destroying activities to the joy of the captors.
The Victim-Soul feels honoured, respected, important and even very happy to be abused because in the Victim-Soul’s mind abuse is connecting and bonding with their lover (abuser), like its real love. If anyone makes a claim that the abuser is using or abusing the Victim-Soul, the Victim-Soul will backup and support their own abusers with the full belief that the abuser is loyal back to the captor.
– James Martin Sandbrook.