Running from a weakness or addiction is simply hiding from the truth.
Not willing to cope with the fact that we have a serious problem we look left and right and everywhere else to lay the blame. The truth is in ourself and our willingness to be better. Oh sure change means work, it means some form of friction and rocking the boat but not of us are strangers to rocking the boat.
Not willing to cope with the fact that we have a serious problem we look left and right and everywhere else to lay the blame. The truth is in ourself and our willingness to be better. Oh sure change means work, it means some form of friction and rocking the boat but not of us are strangers to rocking the boat.
In fact if we are not willing to accept that we have a problem when we do have one then we are more than likely causing stress and friction in other peoples lives. I know that it is not easy standing up and facing a negative issue that we have, we may feel that admitting it is a sign of weakness or self defeating, but it is none of those things. Admitting the problem is the first step to defining it and making courageous changes. It is courageous to even self evaluate ourself and have the guts to correct ourself. There are a large amount of people who are considered great people in society and yet are very frightened to look into themself and repair any issues that they may have. Their weak choices and private lives are good examples of this.
It takes courage and a will to be a better person. Are you denying that you have an addiction today, right now? I have known people who were slowly dying from their addictions and refused to admit that they had a problem. Some simply say that the addiction that was destroying their life was “a choice” and a choice that they want and will continue.
Dennis Wilson from the Beach Boys had a few addictions and his family took control of his money in an effort to get him to stop his road to self destruction. It didn’t work because Dennis needed to be the one to face the issues that he had. He drowned while diving, I read that he had been drinking alcohol. His life was the typical rock and roll lifestyle of drugs, women and alcohol, he lived in the fast lane until it destroyed him. He took the road of pleasure that had destroyed many before him and many have fallen after him. Even with all these high profile people crumbling under a wall of weaknesses and sins the world still turns away and recognise these serious issues.
Telling ourself lies is self destructive. Facing who we really are and our weaknesses is hard but it is the first step to finding out who we really are, then with work we become who we really were meant to be. Makeup, a fast car, a new hair-do, some jewellery and such will do nothing to improve our inner mind. Thats just outside covering designed as a quick fix. We must come clean with ourselves so that we can heal ourself and function as a human being and not a slave to something that will eventually destroy us. We need to go to the source of the problem and put ourselves in the right hands for help.
Part of Self Improvement is being truthful even if it hurts. Then doing something about it, thats the next step in courage. Good comes from genuine loving effort and honesty.
All the best from James M Sandbrook.