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I was in need of some new batteries for my torch which I use for my job as a Mobile Security Officer, and I discovered these. While I had my doubts I decided to try them out.
My worries were that if the circuitry is there for the Micro-USB port then there would be less battery and they would last a shorter time than the others I had.
To my pleasant surprise I found these batteries to be excellent and had enough power to make my torch very bright. There are some different versions of this battery.
I bought two of these batteries and while I am using one in my torch the other is in the car charging while I am driving around. As soon as the battery in my torch dims I simply change the batteries around and the one that was going flat charges and the charged battery is in my torch.
Previously I had about 5, 18650 batteries, that were of different ages that didn’t hold charge long and the battery chargers were not good at all. I had 3 different battery chargers and they didn’t last long, even the expensive ones didn’t last long.
For the work that I am using the batteries for, and for regular use, I recommend these batteries for their power, and they are long lasting, with an efficient way to charge them up while on the job and mobile driving around.
All the best from James Martin Sandbrook.
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