The human being was designed for companionship.
And it is in good companionship and love that we are healed of our problems. Those that love and care for us will stand by us and we will feel that we are not alone.
It is not a nice feeling to feel that one has people around them who don’t understand them, and they don’t want to try to understand what our problems are. In this situation one can feel so alone. Being told what is wrong with us is defeating and destroys one’s confidence.
The soft touch of love is the gentle encourager that brings peace, and understanding to our hearts. A well meaning hug can bring forth feelings of “I am not alone!” and of being loved and wanted.
We want to be loved.
We want to be encouraged.
We want someone to tell us that everything is going to be alright, and we feel the confidence and determination in their voice and actions, and we know that they are telling us the truth because we see the truth in their eyes.
The human being was never designed to be alone.
We are social creatures and it is in our generous activities that we find “life and happiness”. When we love others we come to love ourselves more.
In fact, when we show respect and care for others then we come to respect ourself more and more. We feel so good at giving other people another chance at life. And we love ourself for putting others first.
Love is the great healer.
People who love us have an amazing way of lifting us by just walking into a room. We need love, and we will never find love by being with people who think less of us.
Love can only flow from the Spiritual Heart.
If you are having struggles, problems and needs that are not being met, please go to someone that you can trust.
If you don’t give yourself the best help that you can then you are doing yourself an injustice.
Please love yourself enough to make things right. Please give yourself a chance to learn to respect yourself and how you may have gone wrong in the past.
The past was when you were brainwashed, but you are not brainwashed now. So make things alright by learning to forgive and understand why you did the things that you did. Please do the best that you can do to do the best for you to get better.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
8th of March 2014.