During our life we can look to others for help, guidance, suggestions etc.
Sometimes we can rely on others for so long and so often that when they are not around and we must choose for ourselves we fret, worry that we will make a mistake, we can panic at the very thought of making decisions.
But when it comes down to the day that you realise that you must make the decisions then it is time to stop searching for help, texting to be helped, or ringing someone who has become your comfort zone. It is time that you choose.
A sheltered life can be the cause of a fear of making your own choices, or a lack of confidence from a traumatic life.
When there are two choices in front of us then we must choose one. Use history as a guide. If you have been doing the same thing for many years then do something that you have not tried.
There is always a great satisfaction when we try, it is worth trying.
Face the fact that things may not turn out as you thought that it would. It could be better or worse, you need to do something to find out.
Look into a mirror. Please do this right now.
Look at the person in the mirror. That is the person who is your decision maker. This person is responsible for your life. Get used to believing that because you know that this is true.
You may not feel confident to make your own choices right now, but you know that I am right. You are your leader, your source of courage. You are the boss. You CAN make things right for you.
Even if you must travel a bit of rocky ground to get your dreams, go for it.
Start to think of yourself as your own boss. Think of yourself as the one who is going to make your own decisions from now on.
If you make 1 choice and it doesn’t work out as expected that is fine, lesson learned. You must realize that if you were not the boss of your own life before that you are going to have to learn and go through some struggles to learn how to take control of your own life, that is how we humans learn.
Stand strong alone on issues, be brave and state strongly what you believe in with all your heart and soul, and stay true to your heart.
Remember “You are Your own Boss!”
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
9th March 2015.