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If a person truly want to be happy, do good and have good happen to that person then this person must have a character that fits the image that they wish to make this come true.
For me I decided on what kind of character I wanted to be/have and then refused to entertain thoughts or ways that did not suit that character. I decided that I wanted to be a gentleman, courageous, confident and a good soul.
Many people complain about their lives, live as they were brought up to live and struggle to understand what is wrong with their lives when tit is their own character that is leading them astray, its time for change, for a better life.
Links on this page will try to explain this process, ideas, tips, and hints on what you can do to discard the negatives of the past which we all have, and bring in more positive character traits.
A point of interest is that if we want to have a good character then we should want the same of our own children so that they can grow up of good character, confident and courageous, they must be taught this and shown.
What you do that is unseen is the real you!
The Gentleman – October 29, 2012.
Being a Lady.
Self Deception.
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