This site for Home Schooling is new so, many pages are being started but are not finished yet. I hope I can encourage you to Home School your children and give you some ideas how to enjoy Home Schooling with your family.
There is nothing more natural for the human than to look after, teach, and guide its own young.
The wonderful feeling of love and accomplishment of guiding our children into adulthood and helping them to become self confident and able to cope is a wonderful feeling that all parents of the past would happily experience. There is nothing more natural for the human adult than to Home School their own children.
In my view if the parent is not interested in Home Schooling their own children then to me they are more apathetic and worldly than they realise, because it is with empathetic love for our own young that we want the very best from them, so much so, that we will put aside our own life to get them the proper guidance that the children will need for the future.
Children react more efficiently to the outdoors and experiencing life first hand with a hands-
Because all the child’s senses are used when they experience an activity they take it in far more easily, so much so in fact that the memory stays with them for such a long time. And recalling the memory is easier because of a smell, taste, thought, colour, feeling, or similar experience is seen, heard of as an adult etc. Meaning that if we “connect” with the lesson we got as a homeschooled child by so many senses and memories we can recall the lesson much easier as an adult.
With home schooling the entire world is the classroom. What is read in a book can then be experienced in the real world.
For instance the children can learn about gardening, and then go out and spend the afternoon in the sun with gardening activities, or reading about a historical event and then going to a museum to see video’s, the clothing of the time, vehicles, and this makes it more an emotional experience, and with that the lessons sink in far deeper.
Home Schooling is the preparation of your child for Life, learning to cope, learning to be a mother, father, parents, responsible, polite, helpful, emotional, happy and the goal is for a more complete human being with many skills and abilities, and also the drawing out of the child’s natural talents with encouragement.
The child soon learns that life is exciting, the planet is theirs, that happiness is the journey and the best things in life are free.
You have heard the saying, “Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life.”, well, if you Homeschool in such a positive natural way it will not seem like work for the parent or the children.
I highly recommend that you include Home Schooling in normal everyday home activities.
Such as:
Any activities using tools and equipment teach the children how to use them responsibly and safety.
Many Home Schooling families approach Home Schooling this way trying to be a public school at home:
An example School Day For James E Sandbrook, below.
School starts at 9:00 am.
9:00 am: Reading.
10:00 am:Mathematics.
10:30 am: Ten minute break.
10:40 am: Continues Mathematics.
11:00 am: Science.
12:00 Noon: Lunch Time.
1:00 pm: Sport.
2:00 pm: Written Language.
2:30 pm: Ten minute break.
2:40 pm. Art lessons.
3:00 pm: End of school day.
This was an original example of a school day for James. Our aim was to be regular and to teach our children at least as regularly and well as in a registered school.
But when you discover the huge limitations of the Public Laboratory School System you will want some freedom to help your children mature, grow and go far beyond being groomed to be a working cog in the Industry of Commerce, and a tax payer for life.
You discover that you want their lives to have meaning, worth, be important and hopefully to make some kind of difference in the lives of others that will be felt for many years to come.