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Being a bit of a computer nerd I was really into designing software, especially for Home Schooling. Tutorials came in 3 versions. Each was better than the last and changed for our home use. This software was never sold, we only used it ourselves at home.
I include it here as a resource because of its use to us and showing you that whatever your hobbies or employment are you too can use it to help out with the Home Schooling of your own children.
We were often given free books or we would get heap second hand books from second-
I would find a chapter, get the child to read it, and then test the child using the Tutorial software on that chapter. It was intended to be fun and at the end there would be a print out abut how well the child did and it gave me an indication of ho much was learned and what could possibly be reread if needed.
One thing that I had to be sure of was my own spelling so as not to put the child off or cause the child to make a mistake.
I would read the entire chapter first, then write in the questions in the Tutorials software and then add the answers, which was all password protected so only I had access to the answers. A lot of the chapters read were from the Billy and Barbara books. A family series of books that were about the parents teaching education to their children. These tests were to test spelling, memory retention, comprehension and more. After each exam and chapter we would talk about the subjects as well. All had photos and were exciting for the children. This is just one of the software programs I wrote for Home Schooling.
Subject: Weather Forecasts –
Date of examination: Tuesday, 21 June 2005
Time of examination: 05:20:55 PM
Q1 = “Billy was not to old to have fun with his ___ ____ in a bathtub? (2 W)”. You typed: model boats. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “modal boats”
Q2 = “What did Billy say he was doing? (1 W)”. You typed: wireless *Correct.*
Q3 = “Billy was warning a tanker that a ___ was coming?”. You typed: storm *Correct.*
Q4 = “Fathers friend had just come from a ____ ship?”. You typed: weather *Correct.*
Q5 = “Billy and Barbara liked watching the water ___ in the bath as it emptied?”. You typed: swirl *Correct.*
Q6 = “The water would swirl round & round over the ___ hole?”. You typed: plug *Correct.*
Q7 = “The water over the plug hole swirled round & round like a _____?”. You typed: funnel *Correct.*
Q8 = “when the water goes round & round over the plug hole it is called a?”. You typed: whirlpool *Correct.*
Q9 = “The visitors name was Captain ____?”. You typed: Smithers *Correct.*
Q10 = “Billy and Barbara wanted to know how to ___ the weather?”. You typed: forecast *Correct.*
Q11 = “Captain Smithers first asked the children if they knew what a ___ ___ was?”. You typed: .. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “Polar Front”
Q12 = “The great swirl of wind that Barbara spoke of is called a?”. You typed: depression *Correct.*
Q13 = “Captain Smithers said that a depression could be a sort of great ?”. You typed: whirlpool *Correct.*
Q14 = “Barometers are used to measure the ____ of the air?”. You typed: pressure *Correct.*
Q15 = “The mercury in a barometer tube will rise or ___?”. You typed: fall *Correct.*
Q16 = “The arrival of a ____ means rain?”. You typed: depression *Correct.*
Q17 = “A depression is shaped like an enormous ____?”. You typed: penny *Correct.*
Q18 = “They check the temperature of the air with a ?”. You typed: therometer. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “thermometer”
Q19 = “The air pressure is checked with a ?”. You typed: barometer *Correct.*
Q20 = “The weather ship people send up some ?”. You typed: balloons *Correct.*
Q21 = “The radio-
Q22 = “On the roof of the London Meteorological Office a ___ scanner can be found?”. You typed: radar *Correct.*
Q23 = “Who explains the latest weather situation to television viewers? (3 W)”. You typed: the weather man *Correct.*
Q24 = “The slowly rotating penny can be called an anti-
Q25 = “The anti-
Q26 = “The balloon carries a ___-
Q27 = “What sea does Captain Smithers sail on, the North ____?”. You typed: Atlantic *Correct.*
Q28 = “The warm air rises above the ____, and that starts the depression?”. You typed: cold *Correct.*
Q29 = “Those north-
Q30 = “The imaginary giant penny turns in a anti-
Score: 27
Total time to complete examination = 346.69
Subject: Maps Ch 36 –
Date of examination: Wednesday, 6 July 2005.
Time of examination: 09:02:17 PM
Q1 = “Most atlases contain many different kinds of ____?”. You typed: maps *Correct.*
Q2 = “Claudius Ptolemy was a very famous ___ astronomer?”. You typed: Greek *Correct.*
Q3 = “Above England is the country ______?”. You typed: Scotland *Correct.*
Q4 = “To the left of England is the country ______?”. You typed: Wales *Correct.*
Q5 = “You must ____ what it is that you want to know before you use an atlas?”. You typed: decide *Correct.*
Q6 = “The “political” map of a continent shows the boundaries of the _____?”. You typed: countries *Correct.*
Q7 = “Chapter 37 is called “How To Make A _____ Relief Map”?”. You typed: Model *Correct.*
Q8 = “What was the name of the country they chose for the Modal Relief Map?”. You typed: Australia *Correct.*
Q9 = “Chapter 38 is called “Mapping The ____”?”. You typed: World *Correct.*
Q10 = “The word hemisphere comes from a Greek work meaning half-
Q11 = “Most _____ to map the world result in bending the lines of latitude and longitude?”. You typed: attempts *Correct.*
Q12 = “When the world is mentally _____ into two halves, each half is called a hemisphere?”. You typed: divided *Correct.*
Q13 = “It is hard for navigators to chart a _____ on a map if the map is faulty?”. You typed: course *Correct.*
Q14 = “Chapter 39 shows us the ______ map? (8 Letters)”. You typed: Canada. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “Mercator”
Q15 = “A Mercator map can be ______ by modifying the cylindrical map?”. You typed: made. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “obtained”
Q16 = “On page 171 the top map is called a Geological ___ map?”. You typed: .. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “Survey”
Q17 = “On page 171 the bottom map is called a ____ Utilization map?”. You typed: Land *Correct.*
Q18 = “The colours of the Geological Survey map denotes the ____ of the soil?”. You typed: nature *Correct.*
Q19 = “The American coast guard uses ___ to warn other ships of icebergs?”. You typed: radio *Correct.*
Q20 = “The two maps on page 171 are ____ purpose maps?”. You typed: special *Correct.*
Q21 = “In chapter 40 ‘instead of slipping a paper tube over the glass you use a ___ cap or paper cone?”. You typed: dunce’s *Correct.*
Q22 = “The cone is then put on the ___?”. You typed: globe *Correct.*
Q23 = “New Zealand has two major lands –
Q24 = “The island under Australia is called?”. You typed: Tasmania *Correct.*
Q25 = “Coal is used for ___ and power?”. You typed: heat *Correct.*
Q26 = “A carefully drawn map can contain a great ____ of information?”. You typed: deal *Correct.*
Q27 = “Lines of longitude run from ____ to south?”. You typed: north *Correct.*
Q28 = “The surveyor uses a telescope fitted with a spirit _____?”. You typed: level *Correct.*
Q29 = “On the Land Utilization map each colour denotes the use to which the ____ is put?”. You typed: land *Correct.*
Q30 = “The anti-
Score: 27
Subject: S&I Ch 20 –
Date of examination: Tuesday, 26 July 2005.
Time of examination: 11:17:22 AM
______________________________________ .
Q1 = “What is the title of this chapter?”. You typed: What Water Does *Correct.*
Q2 = “The deeper the diver goes, the more the water ___ on him?”. You typed: presses *Correct.*
Q3 = “The Browns were staying at a small ___?”. You typed: port *Correct.*
Q4 = “Barbara wanted to know why the diver wore such a ___ suit?”. You typed: heavy *Correct.*
Q5 = “Our bodies are lighter than water, especially ___ water?”. You typed: sea *Correct.*
Q6 = “The diver needs a heavy suit –
Q7 = “Sea water contains many dissolved ____?”. You typed: solids *Correct.*
Q8 = “Sea water is ____ than fresh water?”. You typed: denser *Correct.*
Q9 = “Another reason for the diver’s heavy suit is the water ______?”. You typed: pressure *Correct.*
Q10 = “Mr Smeaton invented the ____ bell?”. You typed: diving *Correct.*
Q11 = “Mr Smeaton was a great ____ ______?”. You typed: bridge builder *Correct.*
Q12 = “Mr Brown told the children about the man Archimedes who was from?”. You typed: Syracuse *Correct.*
Q13 = “The pesons who works with Gold was called a ?”. You typed: goldsmith *Correct.*
Q14 = “So long as there is a big ___ space inside a ship it will float?”. You typed: /. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “empty”
Q15 = “The hairy elephant of the past is called a ?”. You typed: mammoth *Correct.*
Q16 = “On their way home Mr Brown wanted to show the children a ______ dock?”. You typed: floating *Correct.*
Q17 = “Friction is ‘the resistance to _____’?”. You typed: movement *Correct.*
Q18 = “Mr Brown ____ a steel needle on water?”. You typed: floated *Correct.*
Q19 = “There is a kind of “___” on the surface of the water?”. You typed: skin *Correct.*
Q20 = “Rivers of ice are called?”. You typed: Glaciers *Correct.*
Q21 = “The small ship in the floating dock was undergoing repairs to its ?”. You typed: hull *Correct.*
Q22 = “Air is made up of a mixture of ____?”. You typed: gases *Correct.*
Q23 = “The walls on the floating dock are ______ to let water in?”. You typed: hollow *Correct.*
Q24 = “The air gets ___ and ___ the higher up we go?”. You typed: thinner *Correct.*
Q25 = “The floating dock has hollow _____ and sides?”. You typed: bottom *Correct.*
Q26 = “A fifth of air is?”. You typed: oxygen *Correct.*
Q27 = “A floating dock can ___ an entire ship out of the water?”. You typed: lift *Correct.*
Q28 = “U.S.A is short for?”. You typed: United States of America *Correct.*
Q29 = “Electricity ____ up water into two gases of which it is made?”. You typed: splites. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “splits”
Q30 = “______ is made up of hydrogen and oxygen?”. You typed: Water *Correct.*
Score: 28
Subject: Aladdin’s Caves WW Ch 15
Date of examination: Friday, May 20, 200.
Time of examination: 02:13:43 PM
Q1 = “Billy was excited about Sir Somebody _________?”. You typed: Something *Correct.*
Q2 = “Sir Something told Billy and his class about what caves?”. You typed: Jenolan *Correct.*
Q3 = “Sir Somebody Something was from what country?”. You typed: Australia *Correct.*
Q4 = “Billys story about stalactites started with what?”. You typed: limestone *Correct.*
Q5 = “The Cheddar Caves are in what place?”. You typed: Somerset *Correct.*
Q6 = “The dripping of ___ for 100’s of years builds up stalagmite?”. You typed: water *Correct.*
Q7 = “What type of water drips down?”. You typed: hardwater. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “rain-
Q8 = “Limestone caves have nothing to do with the?”. You typed: sea *Correct.*
Q9 = “Are there limestone caves in Britain? (Yes or No)”. You typed: Ys. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “Yes”
Q10 = “Is makeup-
Q11 = “Gaping Ghyll is a ____ cave? (9 L)”. You typed: limestone *Correct.*
Q12 = “Gaping Ghyll is in what place? (9 L)”. You typed: Yorkshire *Correct.*
Q13 = “Gaping Ghyll is big enough to hold a large ___ comfortably?”. You typed: church *Correct.*
Q14 = “Cheddar is in what place? (8 L)”. You typed: Somerset *Correct.*
Q15 = “Tiny ___ of salt can sometimes be found on ones skin?”. You typed: crystals *Correct.*
Q16 = “Tiny crystals of salt _______ on our skin? (9 L)”. You typed: ‘. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “sparkling”
Q17 = “The Indians got salt by letting sea ___ dry up?”. You typed: water *Correct.*
Q18 = “If tap-
Q19 = “It is always ___ in limestone caves?”. You typed: damp *Correct.*
Q20 = “Water without lime in it is called ___-
Q21 = “What is always dripping from the roof in a limestone cave?”. You typed: water *Correct.*
Q22 = “Every drop ___ up a little before it falls?”. You typed: dries *Correct.*
Q23 = “Each drop leaves behind a tiny ___ of limestone?”. You typed: crystal *Correct.*
Q24 = “The next ____ deposits another crystal on top of the last?”. You typed: drop *Correct.*
Q25 = “The crystals make a sort of ___ of limestone?”. You typed: icicle. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “Icicle”
Q26 = “The stalagmite & stalactite finally ___ after many years?”. You typed: meet *Correct.*
Q27 = “The stalactite is really an?”. You typed: icicle *Correct.*
Q28 = “These icicles hang from the __ of the cave?”. You typed: roof *Correct.*
Q29 = “The stalagmite & stalactite form a ?”. You typed: pillar *Correct.*
Q30 = “A river can create a ________-
Score: 26
Subject: Lapps-
Date of examination: Thursday, 14 September 2006.
Time of examination: 01:44:40 PM
Q1 = “The Lapp’s were always passing on to their children their skills and ________?”. You typed: customs *Correct.*
Q2 = “What is the name of this chapter?”. You typed: An Ancient People *Correct.*
Q3 = “We think that the ancestors of the Lapp’s were wandering _____?”. You typed: nomads *Correct.*
Q4 = “The reindeer pull the Lapp’s ______?”. You typed: sledge *Correct.*
Q5 = “The hunters may have been dressed in _______ ____ to catch wild deer?”. You typed: reindeer skins *Correct.*
Q6 = “Many ethnologists believe that the Lapp’s come from ______ _______?”. You typed: central Russia *Correct.*
Q7 = “The ________ historian, Tacitus, made the first written reference to the Lapp’s?”. You typed: Roman *Correct.*
Q8 = “The Lapp’s are also known as ____?”. You typed: Fenni *Correct.*
Q9 = “The early Lapp’s followed the ________ to hunt them?”. You typed: reindeer *Correct.*
Q10 = “The Lapp people prefer to be called _____?”. You typed: Same *Correct.*
Q11 = “Some historians said that the Lapp’s had one eye and lived _________ in water?”. You typed: underground *Correct.*
Q12 = “Lapp traditions were passed ______ from one generation to another?”. You typed: verbally *Correct.*
Q13 = “The Lapp’s written ________ began during the seventeenth century?”. You typed: languge. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “language”
Q14 = “Othere was a Norwegian ______?”. You typed: j. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “official”
Q15 = “Othere _______ to Alfred of England that he owned 600 rhanas?”. You typed: boasted *Correct.*
Q16 = “To the left of the U.S.S.R is the country _________?”. You typed: Finland *Correct.*
Q17 = “We think that the ancestors of the Lapp’s were _________ nomads?”. You typed: wandering *Correct.*
Q18 = “To the left of Sweden is the country __________?”. You typed: Norway *Correct.*
Q19 = “The Lapp’s are one of the oldest and interesting of the ________ tribes?”. You typed: European *Correct.*
Q20 = “To the right of Norway is the country ______?”. You typed: Sweden *Correct.*
Q21 = “Helsinki is the capital of ______?”. You typed: Finland *Correct.*
Q22 = “Lapinlahti means ______ ____?”. You typed: Lapp Bay *Correct.*
Q23 = “In the photo the Lapp woman holds her baby in a _____?”. You typed: cradle *Correct.*
Q24 = “The photo shows a large herd of reindeer heading for the _______ _______?”. You typed: summer pastures *Correct.*
Q25 = “The name Lappia was not written down until the _________ century?”. You typed: thireenth. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “thirteenth”
Q26 = “The capital of Finland is _______?”. You typed: Helsinki *Correct.*
Q27 = “The capital of New Zealand is ___________?”. You typed: Wellington *Correct.*
Q28 = “Othere lived during the _____ century?”. You typed: ninth *Correct.*
Q29 = “Othere reindeer were probably ______ by the Lapp’s?”. You typed: d. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “tended”
Q30 = “We think that the __________ of the Lapp’s were wandering nomads?”. You typed: ancesters. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “ancestors”
Score: 25
Subject: Lapps –
Date of examination: Friday, 15 September 2006 –
Q1 = “During 1619 a prayer book in ________ was printed?”. You typed: Lappish *Correct.*
Q2 = “The Lappish prayer book was printed in _________?”. You typed: Stockholm *Correct.*
Q3 = “This chapter is called ?”. You typed: Influence Of Outsiders *Correct.*
Q4 = “For 100’s of years Lapp’s lived free from outside ?”. You typed: interference *Correct.*
Q5 = “The earliest book ever printed in the Lapp language was the Lappish ?”. You typed: prayer book *Correct.*
Q6 = “During the _______ century, Christian missionaries visited Lapland?”. You typed: seventeenth *Correct.*
Q7 = “Knud Leem was a __________?”. You typed: missionary *Correct.*
Q8 = “Knud Leem went to ___________ Lapland?”. You typed: Norwegian *Correct.*
Q9 = “Knud visited Norwegian Lapland during the year?”. You typed: 1725 *Correct.*
Q10 = “A Lapp magician is called a ____?”. You typed: shaman *Correct.*
Q11 = “The Lapp’s feared the shamans powerful magic ____?”. You typed: drums *Correct.*
Q12 = “The Lapp’s used to believe in many gods and ________?”. You typed: goddesses *Correct.*
Q13 = “A shaman claimed to be able to look into the ____ with the aid of the drums?”. You typed: future *Correct.*
Q14 = “The Lapp’s regarded the bear as a ________ animal?”. You typed: sacred *Correct.*
Q15 = “Sometimes the shamans were caught by the Christians and _______ alive?”. You typed: burnt *Correct.*
Q16 = “Back in those days Finnish ______ set up a fur trade with the Lapp’s?”. You typed: traders *Correct.*
Q17 = “During the seventeenth century _____ was discovered in Swedish Lapland?”. You typed: silver *Correct.*
Q18 = “Early tax collectors traded with the Lapp’s for skins of Beaver and ?”. You typed: squirrel *Correct.*
Q19 = “As well as for meat, fish, seal whale and ?”. You typed: walrus *Correct.*
Q20 = “The Lapp’s hold ______ in the spring?”. You typed: markets *Correct.*
Q21 = “The reindeer pull the Lapp’s ______?”. You typed: sledge *Correct.*
Q22 = “We think that the ancestors of the Lapp’s were _________ nomads?”. You typed: wandering *Correct.*
Q23 = “In 1751 _______ and Norway agreed on their frontiers?”. You typed: Sweden *Correct.*
Q24 = “The rivers and lakes have salmon and ______ throughout Lapland?”. You typed: trout *Correct.*
Q25 = “The ______ and Russia border was fixed in the year 1826?”. You typed: Norway *Correct.*
Q26 = “The rivers and lakes have ______ and trout throughout Lapland?”. You typed: salmon *Correct.*
Q27 = “The people who have the herds are called?”. You typed: herdsmen *Correct.*
Q28 = “The Lapp’s _______ reindeer skins for other goods?”. You typed: traded *Correct.*
Q29 = “A shaman was a Lapp _________?”. You typed: magician *Correct.*
Q30 = “Crops in Lapland only grow in the short _______?”. You typed: summers *Correct.*
Score: 30
Subject: Lapp’s –
Date of examination: Friday, 13 October 2006 –
Q1 = “The _________ has always been of vital importance in the Lapp’s ways?”. You typed: reindeer *Correct.*
Q2 = “The male reindeer is called a ______ by humans?”. You typed: buck *Correct.*
Q3 = “Another name for a reindeer is ____?”. You typed: poro *Correct.*
Q4 = “The female reindeer is called a ______ by humans?”. You typed: doe *Correct.*
Q5 = “Poro is a ____ word for reindeer?”. You typed: Lapp *Correct.*
Q6 = “The reindeer _____ are shed every year?”. You typed: antlers *Correct.*
Q7 = “The buck has an addition to his antlers called a ?”. You typed: brow-
Q8 = “The brow-
Q9 = “Lapp’s often used dogs to help them ________ the reindeer?”. You typed: control *Correct.*
Q10 = “By the end of June _________ mosquitoes drove the reindeer from the forests?”. You typed: irritating *Correct.*
Q11 = “A reindeer stand about a _____ (3 feet) high at the shoulder?”. You typed: metre *Correct.*
Q12 = “The reindeer were driven to the fells above the ________?”. You typed: treeline *Correct.*
Q13 = “Reindeer can also use their ______ for attacking other animals?”. You typed: antlers *Correct.*
Q14 = “______ poles were placed around the main support for the tents?”. You typed: Birch *Correct.*
Q15 = “The ____ of the tent was left open to allow the smoke to escape?”. You typed: apex *Correct.*
Q16 = “The Lapp’s had no _______ mealtimes?”. You typed: idsact. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “fixed”
Q17 = “Reindeer were able to graze on the open fells until the ________?”. You typed: autumn *Correct.*
Q18 = “Reindeer drink during the winter months by eating __________ of snow?”. You typed: mouthfuls *Correct.*
Q19 = “A Lapp magician is called a ____?”. You typed: shaman *Correct.*
Q20 = “To the right of Norway is the country ______?”. You typed: Sweden *Correct.*
Q21 = “The Lapp’s are also known as ____?”. You typed: same. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “Fenni”
Q22 = “During the winter months the women and girls used to live in a ____ _______?”. You typed: log cabin *Correct.*
Q23 = “These log cabins were in a ________ called a visten?”. You typed: settlement *Correct.*
Q24 = “Lapp men in ______ wear hats with a big red pom-
Q25 = “The women wear _______ with flaps to protect their ears?”. You typed: bonnets *Correct.*
Q26 = “The kolte is a _____?”. You typed: turnc. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “tunic”
Q27 = “Lapp’s have always been _______ at carving bone, antler and wood?”. You typed: good. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “skilled”
Q28 = “_____ wood is used for making the sledges?”. You typed: Stronge. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “Pine”
Q29 = “As you line your shoes, __ ____ ___ walk,” goes one Lapp saying”. You typed: so will you *Correct.*
Q30 = “A shaman was a Lapp _________?”. You typed: magician *Correct.*
Score: 25
Subject: Lapp’s –
Date of examination: Monday, 16 October 2006 –
Q1 = “Reindeer were once used by the Lapp’s as _____ __ _____?”. You typed: beasts of burden *Correct.*
Q2 = “Reindeer were used to provide for the Lapp’s milk, _____ and hides?”. You typed: meat *Correct.*
Q3 = “Knud Leem was a __________?”. You typed: missionary *Correct.*
Q4 = “Sadly most _________ are bred to be slaughtered?”. You typed: reindeer *Correct.*
Q5 = “Old traditions are gone and reindeer are seldom _______ to sledges?”. You typed: harnessed *Correct.*
Q6 = “In autumn the reindeer are _________ up?”. You typed: rounded *Correct.*
Q7 = “The reindeer are rounded up using ______?”. You typed: lassoes *Correct.*
Q8 = “After the reindeer are caught they are then put into ?”. You typed: pens *Correct.*
Q9 = “During late ______ ___ _____ the reindeer are allowed to roam freely?”. You typed: summer and autumn *Correct.*
Q10 = “The reindeer make the migration towards the ____ without supervision?”. You typed: trees *Correct.*
Q11 = “What month does the first snows fall in?”. You typed: October *Correct.*
Q12 = “A reindeer stand about a _____ (3 feet) high at the shoulder?”. You typed: metre *Correct.*
Q13 = “A reindeer herd of at least ____ are needed to support a family? (N)”. You typed: 500 *Correct.*
Q14 = “The Lapp people used to use their own ______ to construct things that they needed?”. You typed: ingenuity *Correct.*
Q15 = “The ______ are now warmer so the Lapp’s don’t need the thick clothing anymore?”. You typed: houses *Correct.*
Q16 = “The ______ of all Lapp homes have electricity?”. You typed: majority *Correct.*
Q17 = “Those without mains electricity use ________ power generators?”. You typed: portable *Correct.*
Q18 = “The housing ________ for the Lapp people have improved over the years? (10 L)”. You typed: conditions *Correct.*
Q19 = “Two-
Q20 = “The traditional way to move about in winter for Lapp’s is on ____?”. You typed: skis *Correct.*
Q21 = “A pulkka is a ______-
Q22 = “Snow scooters are like ___________ sledges?”. You typed: motorised. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “motorized”
Q23 = “A reki is a ?”. You typed: sledge *Correct.*
Q24 = “Modern communication and transport means that Lapland is no longer ?”. You typed: remote *Correct.*
Q25 = “Reindeer can also use their ______ for attacking other animals?”. You typed: antlers *Correct.*
Q26 = “The Lapp’s have organised reindeer _______ schools for tourists?”. You typed: driving *Correct.*
Q27 = “Lapland is a place that attracts ________ all year round?”. You typed: torisim. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “tourists”
Q28 = “The time between March and May is known as? (2 words)”. You typed: spring winter *Correct.*
Q29 = “Hotels also ______ Lapp delicacies for visitors?”. You typed: supply *Correct.*
Q30 = “There are also summer ________ by Landrover?”. You typed: safaris *Correct.*
Score: 27
Subject: Lapp’s –
Date of examination: Thursday, 2 November 2006 –
Q1 = “Branching horns which grow from a reindeers head are called?”. You typed: antlers *Correct.*
Q2 = “A word that Lapp’s use to describe themselves? (4 letters)”. You typed: Same *Correct.*
Q3 = “Lappish is the _________ of the Lapp’s?”. You typed: language *Correct.*
Q4 = “Fells are rolling hills, mountains or _______?”. You typed: moors *Correct.*
Q5 = “The footware made from animal skins are called?”. You typed: moccasins *Correct.*
Q6 = “Kautokeino is in Norwegian _________?”. You typed: Lapland *Correct.*
Q7 = “In winter in Lapland the lakes _____ over?”. You typed: freeze *Correct.*
Q8 = “Snowploughs keep the principal _____ clear?”. You typed: roads *Correct.*
Q9 = “If Lapp children live far from school then they must ______ there?”. You typed: board *Correct.*
Q10 = “Finnish Lapp woman wear ______ on their heads?”. You typed: bonnets *Correct.*
Q11 = “These bonnets have _____ to keep the woman’s ears warm?”. You typed: flaps *Correct.*
Q12 = “The Lapp’s speak a _________ known to linguists as Finno-
Q13 = “Most Lapp people are bi-
Q14 = “The Lapp’s schools try to conserve _________ attitudes?”. You typed: traditional *Correct.*
Q15 = “Kaamos means _________ time?”. You typed: twilight *Correct.*
Q16 = “Laplands traditional ways of life are now under _____?”. You typed: threat *Correct.*
Q17 = “At Inari they have an open-
Q18 = “To the left of Sweden is the country __________?”. You typed: Norway *Correct.*
Q19 = “Jakka is a small ______?”. You typed: river *Correct.*
Q20 = “To the right of Norway is the country ______?”. You typed: Sweden *Correct.*
Q21 = “Lapland is the area _______ of the Arctic Circle?”. You typed: north *Correct.*
Q22 = “What is the title of this chapter?”. You typed: Problems Facing Lapland *Correct.*
Q23 = “Jokkmokk is in the country called _______?”. You typed: Sweden *Correct.*
Q24 = “Lapland covers a _____ area of land?”. You typed: vast *Correct.*
Q25 = “Aello = a reindeer _____?”. You typed: herd *Correct.*
Q26 = “The Lapp’s are also known as ____?”. You typed: Fenni *Correct.*
Q27 = “Chapter 4 of this book is called?”. You typed: Twentieth-
Q28 = “A Lapp magician is called a ____?”. You typed: shaman *Correct.*
Q29 = “Above Lapland is the ______ Ocean?”. You typed: Atlantic. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “Arctic”
Q30 = “Poro is a ____ word for reindeer?”. You typed: Lapp *Correct.*
Score: 29
Subject: HWUTL –
Date of examination: Monday, 7 August 2006 –
Q1 = “During the war there was a great shortage of ?”. You typed: labour *Correct.*
Q2 = “The Women’s Land Army had ______ members? (Number & Comma)”. You typed: 80,000 *Correct.*
Q3 = “The Women’s Land Army, Timber Corps had _____ members? (Number & Comma)”. You typed: 6,000 *Correct.*
Q4 = “The Timber Corps girls felled trees and worked in _________?”. You typed: sawmills *Correct.*
Q5 = “The Timber Corps girls had jobs in the _________ Commission?”. You typed: Forestry *Correct.*
Q6 = “Women’s magazines printed in colour gravure were _______?”. You typed: popular *Correct.*
Q7 = “In what year did the magazine Woman appear?”. You typed: 1937 *Correct.*
Q8 = “A.T.S is short for Auxiliary Territorial ______?”. You typed: Service *Correct.*
Q9 = “W.V.S is short for Women’s Voluntary Service for Civil _______?”. You typed: Defence *Correct.*
Q10 = “A.T.S is short for Auxiliary ________ Service?”. You typed: Territorial *Correct.*
Q11 = “W.V.S is short for Women’s ________ Service for Civil Defence?”. You typed: Voluntary *Correct.*
Q12 = “A coral island is an ?”. You typed: atoll *Correct.*
Q13 = “One photo shows A.T.S girls crew an anti-
Q14 = “The conscription of _______ started in December 1941?”. You typed: women *Correct.*
Q15 = “Woman’s wartime roles provided frivolous _______ for cartoonists?”. You typed: material *Correct.*
Q16 = “Woman’s wartime roles provided frivolous material for cartoonists & press?”. You typed: photographers *Correct.*
Q17 = “Women’s contribution to the war was _____?”. You typed: vital *Correct.*
Q18 = “In July 1943 women aged between 46 & 50 were ________ to register for war work?”. You typed: required *Correct.*
Q19 = “These women aged between 46 & 50 were sometimes called the?”. You typed: grannies call-
Q20 = “A number of women managed to keep their husbands private _____ working?”. You typed: bussinesess. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “businesses”
Q21 = “For ________ strength a farmer reckoned 3 women were about equal to 2 men?”. You typed: physical *Correct.*
Q22 = “Polynesian’s are the ____ Sea Islanders?”. You typed: South *Correct.*
Q23 = “The Timber Corps girls ______ trees and worked in sawmills?”. You typed: felled *Correct.*
Q24 = “A.T.S is short for _________ Territorial Service?”. You typed: Auxiliary *Correct.*
Q25 = “An atoll is a _____ island?”. You typed: atoll. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “coral”
Q26 = “W.V.S is short for Women’s Voluntary _______ for Civil Defence?”. You typed: Service *Correct.*
Q27 = “For physical _______ a farmer reckoned 3 women were about equal to 2 men?”. You typed: strength *Correct.*
Q28 = “Polynesian’s boats are dugout outrigger ______?”. You typed: canoes *Correct.*
Q29 = “What is the name of this chapter?”. You typed: Women At War *Correct.*
Q30 = “The ring shaped island is called an ?”. You typed: atoll *Correct.*
Score: 27
Subject: HWUTL –
Date of examination: Thursday, 23 March 2006 –
Q1 = “In these early times a woman could qualify as a _______?”. You typed: doctor *Correct.*
Q2 = “But woman were not allowed to be a member of ________, or vote at elections?”. You typed: parliament *Correct.*
Q3 = “In 1903 the Woman’s Social and Political _______ was formed?”. You typed: Union *Correct.*
Q4 = “The Woman’s Social and Political Union was formed to press for woman’s rights to ?”. You typed: vote *Correct.*
Q5 = “The Woman’s Social and Political Union was led by Mrs _________ Pankhurst?”. You typed: Emmeline *Correct.*
Q6 = “The Woman’s Social and Political Union began to raise questions at ______ meetings?”. You typed: public *Correct.*
Q7 = “The Woman’s Social and Political Union organised _______ and demonstrations?”. You typed: petitions *Correct.*
Q8 = “Mr Hardie of the Labour Party _______ the movement?”. You typed: supported *Correct.*
Q9 = “The Qualification of Women Act was passed what year?”. You typed: 1907 *Correct.*
Q10 = “The Qualification of Women Act allowed woman to sit on local councils and become ?”. You typed: Mayors *Correct.*
Q11 = “The woman of the Woman’s Social and Political Union were known as the ?”. You typed: Suffragettes *Correct.*
Q12 = “These suffragettes started to disrupt ________ meetings?”. You typed: political *Correct.*
Q13 = “Who had the most seats in Parliament at this time in history?”. You typed: Liberals *Correct.*
Q14 = “The police were sometimes called to _______ the suffragettes from meetings?”. You typed: remove *Correct.*
Q15 = “The suffragettes chained themselves to ________ like railings?”. You typed: fixtures *Correct.*
Q16 = “Many of these suffragette woman were sent to court and ______?”. You typed: fined *Correct.*
Q17 = “These suffragettes refused to pay their fines and were sent to ______?”. You typed: prison *Correct.*
Q18 = “Then the suffragettes in prison protested by not _______?”. You typed: eatting. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “eating”
Q19 = “Some prison officers tried to _____-
Q20 = “But force-
Q21 = “The force-
Q22 = “In 1913 the ‘Cat and _____ Act’ was passed?”. You typed: Mouse. *Correct.*
Q23 = “The First _____ War stopped the protests?”. You typed: World *Correct.*
Q24 = “The wild wolf like dog of Australia is called the _____?”. You typed: dingo *Correct.*
Q25 = “The Salvation Army was started by William _____?”. You typed: Booth *Correct.*
Q26 = “What is the name of this chapter?”. You typed: Womens Rights To Vote. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “Women’s Right To Vote”
Q27 = “The Salvation Army was started by ______ ______?”. You typed: William Booth *Correct.*
Q28 = “What is the name of this book?”. You typed: How We Used To Live *Correct.*
Q29 = “The people at the time of 1905 were often called? (9 L)”. You typed: Edwardians. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “Edwardian”
Q30 = “All mammals are _____-
Score: 25
Subject: S & I –
Date of examination: Thursday, 16 February 2006 –
Q1 = “The flywheel turns the _____ in the gear box (transmission)?”. You typed: gears *Correct.*
Q2 = “The petrol is stored in the petrol ____ on a car?”. You typed: tank *Correct.*
Q3 = “Another name for the transmission is ____ ___?”. You typed: gear box *Correct.*
Q4 = “A car has 1 gear for when the car moves ______, another when it is going faster?”. You typed: slowly *Correct.*
Q5 = “And yet another ____ for when the car is going at top speed?”. You typed: gear *Correct.*
Q6 = “The gears make a long rod (propeller shaft) go _____ and _____?”. You typed: round *Correct.*
Q7 = “A clutch is a _____?”. You typed: disk *Correct.*
Q8 = “A driver puts his or her foot on the clutch _____?”. You typed: pedal *Correct.*
Q9 = “When the clutch pedal is pressed down the rear wheels are _________ from the engine?”. You typed: disconnected *Correct.*
Q10 = “The ______ are made by the sparking plug?”. You typed: sparks *Correct.*
Q11 = “When the clutch pedal is not pressed down the rear wheels are _________ to the engine?”. You typed: connected *Correct.*
Q12 = “Small boats use an ______ engine?”. You typed: outboard *Correct.*
Q13 = “A 3 wheeled car or motor cycle is called a _____?”. You typed: trike *Correct.*
Q14 = “The ______ engine is an internal combustion engine?”. You typed: petrol *Correct.*
Q15 = “The distributor is a type of _______?”. You typed: switch *Correct.*
Q16 = “A radiator has a ____ that connects it to the car engine?”. You typed: hose *Correct.*
Q17 = “Inside the transmission (gear box) are many small _____?”. You typed: cogs *Correct.*
Q18 = “Cogs have ____ on them to grip other cogs?”. You typed: teeth *Correct.*
Q19 = “Finish of the name of this car: Toy”. You typed: ota *Correct.*
Q20 = “Finish of the name of this car: Fo”. You typed: rd *Correct.*
Q21 = “Finish of the name of this car: Fal”. You typed: con *Correct.*
Q22 = “Finish of the name of this car: Hon”. You typed: da *Correct.*
Q23 = “Finish of the name of this car: Hold”. You typed: en *Correct.*
Q24 = “The “cams” on the camshaft lift the _____?”. You typed: valves *Correct.*
Q25 = “Water _____ around the car engine to help keep it cool?”. You typed: flowes. *Wrong.* The correct answer was “flows”
Q26 = “The piston in the hollow cylinder ______ up and down?”. You typed: moves *Correct.*
Q27 = “If the driver puts her foot on the accelerator then the car goes _________?”. You typed: faster *Correct.*
Q28 = “An outboard engine has a small _________ at the bottom of it?”. You typed: propeller *Correct.*
Q29 = “We must remove the petrol ___ to be able to put more petrol in the petrol tank?”. You typed: cap *Correct.*
Q30 = “The small petrol tank is at the ___ of the outboard engine arrangement?”. You typed: top *Correct.*
Score: 29
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