The wise Home Schooling parents gets other people to help pout when a subject comes up that they think another person could do better teaching it.
Both Rachel and Grace went to Patsy Hill’s piano and organ lessons. Both children loved the classes and formed  a special relationship with Patsy over the years.
I bought electric organs from time to time for the children to use and Patsy would take them on trips out of town to take part in competitions and to go to concerts put on by International composers. I never asked Patsy to take the children on these music trips she always offered to do it. Patsy is a wonderful woman, we always felt very blessed knowing her.

The goal is to teach the basics of music and to see if any natural talents come out of the child.

I filmed this concert using an old VHS recorder.

We see Grace Sandbrook playing the organ.
The videos are not that good due to us not being able to afford a decent recorder and our cell phones so cheap and old they were not efficient for the job.

So we recorded with what we had at the time.

Rachel Sandbrook playing Santa Coming To Town.

Grace Sandbrook plays for Patsy Hill’s end of year concert.

In general Grace was very shy, so it was a thrill always to see her out there in front of people playing.

Grace playing the organ at home and Grace at a concert.

An advantage to taking your Home Schooled children to people who teach sports and the “arts’ like music is that you get regular reports showing your child’s progress. Much like the one shown below.

Rachel with music teacher Patsy and Rachel playing at a concert.

Here we see Grace Sandbrook playing the drums with much emthusiasm.

Here is Grace Sandbrook with Russian composer Oleg Marshev at his concert. Patsy Hill took Grace to this concert to watch Oleg play the piano and to meet him. When you have such a music teacher as Patsy your children will be blessed. I am forever grateful for her for giving my children a chance to take part in concerts, competitions and to see International musicians when Patsy took my children to their concerts – with no car and little money I was unable to do this.