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When people Homeschool it becomes known that they are available and this is a great way for your children to help people out and learn at the same time.
Often we would walk past someone’s home being worked on by their friends and they would see us and ask us to join in or I would just offer our services.
Whatever was going on the children learned from and also they learned to help people out not for money, just to be helpful, and that it is nice to care.
In this example we have Jimmy helping our friend Mary out. Her neighbour (I think his name is Steve) offered to put in a ramp for her so that she would get into her house easier. So Jimmy and I pitched in and helped out with the laying of the concrete. In this case Jimmy got to work with professionals and the trades people who were working on the job as well.
This is the house at Hermiston Place which the children and I helped fix up for a while. We pulled down walls, did all sorts of fun work, and the children enjoyed friendship with the carpenter Richard and our Christian friend from Auckland.
Over the years we did a large amount of work helping out Lisa and Francis Beban. We helped clean up their yard. I water blasted their fences and helped them paint it. We looked after their cat when they were away on holiday. We did computer graphics work for them.
Grace and Jimmy enjoyed it very much.
We also did many home projects. This is our bathroom wall when it was replaced by us. The children wrote on the plaster their names etc. In 1997 was when we started Home Schooling.
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