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I had a new sewing machine and had my work security trousers that were a bit too long for me.So I decided to take up the hems on them.
The Hem is the very bottom edge of the clothing, such as on the ends of the legs on trousers, pants, shorts, dress, curtains and so on.
I measured out how much I wanted to raise the hem but it was always too floppy and unstable to sew.
As this was my adventure back into sewing after many years I was trying to recall old tricks and tips I knew when I homeschooled my children and taught them how to sew and use a sewing machine.
It was then that I remembered the trick of using the Iron to flatten material down. So I got out my Iron from a cupboard and plugged it in and proceeded to iron the new edges.
Advice. You can use a cloth over the item that you are ironing so that a “shine” does not appear on the material.
When the Iron is heated up sufficiently iron the bottom hem as shown in Image 1, the top hem as shown in Image 2.
Press and iron in smooth easy motions and you will see the results of the work being done. You will get a nice, even flat surface as shown in Image 3, ready for the sewing machine.
Using the Iron just makes everything easier – so do be sure to have an Iron in your home.
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