
The attitude of an individual toward life will pretty well determine what that life will become.

The important thing, really, is not what may happen to you, but rather it is the attitude you take toward what happens to you.

One’s attitude toward happenings can bring about defeat and unhappiness.

On the other hand, another type of attitude toward precisely the same events can result in favorable outcomes, in success and happiness.

For example, let us say that two people of equal ability, training, and education are confronted suddenly by a set of circumstances that represent a most difficult situation.

The attitude of one of these two persons is that this is an overwhelming problem, that really there is nothing that can be done about it.

The individual admits inability to deal with the matter in any constructive way.

As a result, the set of circumstances becomes bigger and bigger and the power of the individual more and more minimized.

Such an attitude can hardly bring any other outcome than defeat and failure.

Another Attitude Brings Good Results!

The other individual, facing precisely the same set of circumstances, refuses to be terrified.

He remains calm, permitting common sense to function.

This person might say, “Yes, this is a tough situation, but I am tougher than it is.” He reasons, “If I think without panic, my adequate brain will produce ways to deal with this situation effectively.”

Chances are that such a positive attitude will produce positive results, and if this attitude continues in the sequence of problems of which our days are made up, the total result will be positive living.

– N V Peale.