The Canon RC-6 Wireless Remote Control

The Canon RC-6 Wireless Remote Control is a simple, small, infrared remote control that makes it possible to fire a camera wirelessly. I ordered one and it arrived today and I have been using it tonight.

The RC-6 is small, compact, easy to use and won’t take up much room at all.

When you first receive the RC-6 you will find that there is a small clear strip of plastic between the battery and the contacts which you must pull out in order for the remote to work.

There are, of course, wired remotes for long exposures and such, but those are other reviews, the RC-6 has no wires to connect to your Canon DSLR.

According to EOS Magazine the RC-6 is compatible with:
DSLR: EOS 5D Mark II, 5D Mark III, 5D Mark IV, 5DS, 5DS R, 6D, 6D Mark II, 7D, 7D Mark II, 60D, 60Da, 70D, 77D, 80D, 90D, 100D, 300D, 350D, 400D, 450D, 500D, 550D, 600D, 650D, 700D, 750D, 760D, 800D

Mirrorless: EOS M, M2, M3, M5, M6

Film SLR: EOS 10, 100, 30, 30V, 33, 33V, 50, 50E, IX

I have been playing around with this tonight and it does as they state it does.

The remote connects with the receiver that is built into many camera’s, so its already set up for you.

You need to make sure that Remote Control is not disabled in your camera.

At firs the RC-6 wouldn’t work for me and I found in my camera’s settings that the Remote Control setting was disabled. One I enabled it the RC-6 worked.

On the back of the RC-6 is a slide switch with a “2” on it and a “•”, the 2 ifs for the 2 second delay and the • gives you immediate action.

If we look at Image 2 we can see the yellow arrow is pointing to the sensor for the camera’s remote receiver.
You need to point the RC-6 at the sensor on the front of the camera.

You can stand behind the camera and If you hold the RC-6 a few inches above the shutter button, aiming down, the shutter will fire when you press the remote button.

If you stand in front of the camera for a selfie it works perfectly and the camera will focus on your face and take the shot.

For taking movies the RC-6 is a handy little helper, starting and stopping the movie recordings.

As I said mine has just arrived today, but already I can see where this remote is going to be very helpful.

If you own one of the camera’s that is comparable with the RC-6 then you should get the remote.
Mine cost a mere $4.00. Its not going to break your bank buying it and with some experimentation I am sure that you will use it on occasion.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
30th of March,. 2021.