Repair a Garden Wooden Hand Trowel that has a Broken Handle.

About a year ago the handle broke on my Garden Trowel. In the past I have thrown a few away when the handle has broken, they are only about $6 to buy a new trowel. But this time I felt that it was better if I made a new handle for the trowel.

Since I use branches for stakes in the garden and so on, I decided to look for a branch that would suit the trowel as a handle. This is a quick simple project.

Image 2 - Piece of wood cut from a branch that I cut off a tree.
Image 3

Cut the branch roughly the size of the broken handle or to a size that is more comfortable to you and your hand.
Then when you are happy with that, drill a hole in the handle at the center at one end.  I used a drill bit that was smaller than the steel it was to be placed on, so that it would be a tight fit, as is seen in Image 3.

You can sand the branch, round off the end, varnish or paint it. I just left mine as it is. I prefer the natural shape, look and grip that the bark provides.

You can also add glue to the hole before you push the handle on to the trowel stem.

You can also take a pipe, put the trowel in a vice, and then move the trowel steel stem so that it can be in a position you prefer.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
19th of November, 2021.