Covert Persuasion

Manipulation or making a person’s thinking change from what it is to something that the manipulator
wants them to do, think, be, accept etc without the victim having a clue that he or she has been manipulated.

In the scarcity example the female had a liking for the guy or possibly no liking. But as the “friends” worked on her mind without suggesting that she go with him, or with suggesting it as a form of positive hypnotic suggestion, the
female goes from not being interested to a few hours later thinking that he is a great candidate for a relationship.
The victim has completely no idea that the group of friends manipulated her mind to thinking and accepting their choices for her.
None of the manipulation was forced, it was a cleverly covert operation that the victim will never expect happened for the rest of her life.

So if it all goes to hell she will never suspect or get upset at her friends for setting it up, because she has no idea that they did set it up. Good parenting is showing our children how they can be fooled so that they can avoid manipulators,
bad parenting is being the one’s who fool their children, and sad parenting is not preparing them for life.

Example:An experiment was setup with a group of people. The woman in charge showed them slides of a car accident, in the slides/photos was a red Datsun car by a sign with Yield on it, then the slides/photos were take away.
The participants were then asked if they saw another car pass the Datsun ‘at the Stop sign’ in the photos.
There in reality was no Stop sign in the photos, only the Yield sign.The participants heard the question about the stop sign and most remembered the stop sign and not the yield sign.

When the woman asking the question changed one word in the question she changed what the participants saw with their own eyes in their own minds and they accepted her suggestion completely/blindly.
Her authority, title and the fact that they expected the experiment was to be done in a truthful professional manner, they assumed above their own thinking and what they really saw that the woman in charge knew what she was doing,
and if they had any doubts they quickly threw them out of the window in favour of believing what they were told was truth.