James M Sandbrook
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Character Assassination Fears are different than Normal Fears.

Character Assassination Fears are obviously Irrational Fears, they were faked to assassinate a person’s public character.

The logic the people use to put together a Character Assassination is to destroy a persons public image so that people will not like that person. This logically means that “all the fears” used in a Character Assassination are fake, false and have no foundation of truth, although they can be mixed with truths to look more feasible and real.

For me this is a personal subject because I have been a subject of Character Assassination for the last 8-10 years and I have done a lot of research into this subject due to being hurt so much by so many people who I loved, liked, and even those who I hold in high regard and think so much of their lives, and one female who, I and she, fell in love, but due to the intense Character Assassination she refuses to publicly acknowledge it as it was her own parents who constructed the Character Assassination  against me.

If this happens to you, you need to realise that a Character Assassination means that you will be hated, possibly physically attacked in the streets, your home attacked, the Police can be used against you, and if you try to defend yourself the people who created the Character Assassination  will claim to be victims of a Character Assassination against them, by you, just as they did to you.

The fear used is adjusted from person to person. If you are a male they can go to a woman who was raped and tell her that you are a rapist and to avoid you, and of course she will war all women in town, especially those who have been raped.

If a woman comes from a home of domestic violence then the people who did the Character Assassination will tell them that you are violent and beat up your ex girlfriends and wives. It gets very revengeful and vindictive when they seek out people who were hurt and those people really want to see you hurt for the things that they were told that you did to others.

If someone was sexually abused as a child then the people who created the Character Assassination will tell people that you are a paedophile, that the Police have searched you down and that you have even been to jail, none of this is true, but to anyone who has any form of that kind of abuse will accuse you of it and will hate you deeply.

and so on…

The idea is to create a ring of people in town that will keep recreating the Character Assassination viciously while the people who originally created the Character Assassination can sit back in their homes and play the innocent victims claiming to have been victimised by you.

The fact that you really want nothing to do with them at all and never did is irrelevant, you don’t get any say, you cannot defend your good name or claim innocence. If you do claim to be innocent and name the liars you will be treated as if you are Character Assassinating the very people who did it to you.

The fears are completely based on untruths but those who have the fears within are so convinced that they would if they had the chance and wouldn’t go to jail shoot you without any form of guilt.

For every form of clear straight forward evidence clearing your good name the people who created the Character Assassination will have an answer to show your guilt. Probably 80-90 percent is just talk and the rest faked evidence that the Flying Monkeys and general public believe is total truth.

In frustration as you go through the periods of hate formed against you, losing friends, people attacking you and your family, you will hate, get very rightfully angry, say bad things about someone or a group of people in complete frustration, and you may even do something really bad and go to jail for it. I controlled myself mostly because I didn’t want to get arrested just to show the public that the liars were telling the truth.

The hardest thing to deal with is that you will have this on you for the rest of your lives. No matter where int he world you go if someone comes along who heard of the original Character Assassination they will tell everyone in that town who you have worked so heard to make friends with that you are this bad person and you will just relive the whole Character Assassination in a new town, going through hell all over again.

As far as I can tell there is only one way that your name can be cleared and that is if one day one of the original people who created the Character Assassination comes forth and accuses the Character Assassinator’s of trying to destroy your life with gossip, lies etc.

Other than that you are basically doomed, will continually lose friends, be hated by some, not trusted by others as the fear is recreated over and over again, as it was designed to.

Fear leads to mental darkness, and that darkness and fear of the unknown causes intense hate, and that leads to a very strong desire to destroy what they fear and hate.

And the incredible thing is that the fear was a complete fabrication, lies, gossip and words.

Character Assassination Fears