Technical Information Database TI17D.txt - Interrupt 3 patch Category :Turbo Pascal Platform :DOS Product : Description: Turbo Pascal redefines the interrupt 3 vector to its own interrupt service routine used for handling Ctrl-C. However, the vector is permanently initialized to that interrupt routine even though the "U-" directive is specified. This patch will permanently keep the Ctrl-C vector from being initialized, but will allow the use of DEBUG break points. Use the DOS utility, DEBUG, to apply the following patch to a copy of your .COM file. Copy DEBUG.COM into the directory (or onto the diskette) where your working copy of .COM is located. At the DOS prompt, type the following information exactly as it Note: 1. DEBUG is not sensitive to upper and lower case. All addresses are listed in upper case for ease of readability. 2. While in DEBUG, the prompt appears as a dash (-). 3. If you do not receive the appropriate response, press "q", then, to quit. Check your version numbers and, if correct, try again. For IBM versions of Turbo Pascal: YOU TYPE THIS APPEARS DEBUG TURBO.COM - e0BE2 XXXX:0EB2 E8. 90 DC. 90 FD. 90 - w writing xxxx bytes q DOS prompt For Generic versions of Turbo Pascal: YOU TYPE THIS APPEARS DEBUG TURBO.COM - e0922 xxxx:0922 E8. 90 D1. 90 FD. 90 - w writing xxxx bytes q DOS prompt Reference: 3/30/99 3:49:21 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99