Article #15019: Conflicts between Delphi and Netcruiser

 Technical Notes Database

TN19D.txt   Conflicts between Delphi and Netcruiser
Category   :General Programming
Platform    :All
Product    :Delphi  All

Users of Netcom's Netcruiser software have complained
that, after they install Delphi, Netcruiser software
exits with a GPF at startup.

It seems that Delphi installs a version of gauge.vbx
which is incompatible with that used by Netcruiser.
Delphi itself does not need to use gauge.vbx (it is
only used by the BIGauge component), so the best solution
is to remove the BIGauge component from the VBX component
field, delete the offending copy of gauge.vbx, and
then reinstall Netcruiser. 


7/16/98 4:35:28 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99