Technical Notes Database TN37D.txt Delphi End User CD-ROM can not be mounted by Novel Category :General Programming Platform :All Product :Delphi All Description: Delphi End User can not be mounted on a Novell 3.11 server running the cdnet NLM. Novell states in their documentation that "not all CD's will be mountable." Currently there seems to be no work around for this problem. SOLUTION: The only solution is to use a local CD-ROM drive and copy the files to the network hard-disk. POSSIBLE FIXES: If the customer is using NOVELL 3.12 or 4.01 server, then there is a patch available from Novell for CDNET.nlm, it is not stated anywhere that this will fix the problem, but it might work. Novell is currently working with Borland on this problem. Reference: 7/16/98 4:35:28 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99