TI80D.txt PRINTING GRAPHICS TO AN EPSON COMPATIBLE PRINTER Category :BGI Platform :All Product :Pascal All { The following example routines are public domain programs } { that have been uploaded to our Forum on CompuServe. As a } { courtesy to our users that do not have immediate access } { to CompuServe, Technical Support distributes these } { routines free of charge. } { } { However, because these routines are public domain programs,} { not developed by Borland International, we are unable to } { provide any Technical Support or assistance using these } { routines. If you need assistance using these routines, } { or are experiencing difficulties, we recommend that } { you log onto CompuServe and request assistance from the } { Forum members that developed these routines. } Unit GraphPRN; { This unit is designed to send graphics images to Epson } { Compatible and late model IBM ProPrinter Dot Matrix } { printers. It takes the image from the currently active } { Viewport, determined by a call to GetViewSettings, and } { transfers that image to the printer. } Interface Uses Dos, Graph; { Used to get the Image from the Screen } Var LST : Text; Procedure HardCopy (Gmode: Integer); { Procedure HardCopy prints the current ViewPort } { To an IBM or Epson compatible graphics printer. } { } { Valid Gmode numbers are : } { -4 to -1 for Epson and IBM Graphic Printers } { 0 to 7 for Epson Printers } Implementation Procedure HardCopy {Gmode: Integer}; Const Bits : Array [0..7] of Byte = (128,64,32,16,8,4,2,1); Var X,Y,YOfs : Integer; { Screen location variables } BitData,MaxBits : Byte; { Number of Bits to transfer } Vport : ViewPortType;{Used to get view settings } Height, Width : Word; { Size of image to transfer } HiBit, LoBit : Char; { Char size of image } LineSpacing, { Additional Info for dump } GraphixPrefix : String[10];{ " " " " } Begin LineSpacing := #27+'3'+#24; { 24/216 inch line spacing } Case Gmode Of -1: GraphixPrefix := #27+'K'; { Std. Density } -2: GraphixPrefix := #27+'L'; { Double Density } -3: GraphixPrefix := #27+'Y'; { Dbl. Density Dbl. Speed} -4: GraphixPrefix := #27+'Z'; { Quad. Density } 0..7: GraphixPrefix := #27+'*'+Chr(Gmode);{ 8-Pin Bit Img} Else Exit; { Invalid Mode Selection } End; GetViewSettings( Vport ); { Get size of image to } Height := Vport.Y2 - Vport.Y1; { be printed } Width := ( Vport.X2 + 1 ) - Vport.X1; HiBit := Chr(Hi(Width)); {Translate sizes to char } LoBit := Chr(Lo(Width)); { for output to printer } Write( LST, LineSpacing ); Y := 0; While Y < Height Do Begin Write( LST,GraphixPrefix,LoBit,HiBit ); For X := 0 to Width-1 Do Begin BitData := 0; If y + 7 <= Height Then MaxBits := 7 Else MaxBits := Height - Y; For YOfs := 0 to MaxBits do Begin If GetPixel( X, YOfs+Y ) > 0 Then BitData := BitData or Bits[YOfs]; End; Write( LST, Chr(BitData) ); End; WriteLn ( LST ); Inc(Y,8); End; End; {$F+} { LSTNoFunction performs a NUL operation for a Reset or } { Rewrite on LST (Just in case) } Function LSTNoFunction( Var F: TextRec ): integer; Begin LSTNoFunction := 0; { No error } end; { LSTOutputToPrinter sends the output to the Printer } { port number stored in the first byte of the UserData area } { of the Text Record. } Function LSTOutputToPrinter( Var F: TextRec ): integer; var Regs: Registers; P : word; begin With F do Begin P := 0; Regs.AH := 16; While (P < BufPos) and ((regs.ah and 16) = 16) do Begin Regs.AL := Ord(BufPtr^[P]); Regs.AH := 0; Regs.DX := UserData[1]; Intr($17,Regs); Inc(P); end; BufPos := 0; End; if (Regs.AH and 16) = 16 then LSTOutputToPrinter := 0 { No error } else if (Regs.AH and 32 ) = 32 then LSTOutputToPrinter := 159 { Out of Paper } else LSTOutputToPrinter := 160; { Device write Fault } End; {$F-} { AssignLST both sets up the LST text file record as } { would ASSIGN, and initializes it as would a RESET. It also } { stores the Port number in the first Byte of the UserData } { area. } Procedure AssignLST( Port:Byte ); Begin With TextRec(LST) do begin Handle := $FFF0; Mode := fmOutput; BufSize := SizeOf(Buffer); BufPtr := Buffer; BufPos := 0; OpenFunc := LSTNoFunction; InOutFunc := LSTOutputToPrinter; FlushFunc := LSTOutputToPrinter; CloseFunc := LSTOutputToPrinter; UserData[1] := Port - 1; { We subtract one because } end; { Dos Counts from zero. } end; Begin AssignLST( 1 ); { Sets output printer to LPT1 by } { default. Change this value to } { a 2 to select LPT2. } End. { Note: BIOS only handles LPT1 } { and LPT2. } 7/16/98 4:33:37 PM
Last Modified: 01-SEP-99