Article #15116: DrawAxis option: no tick marks and number labels

 Technical Information Database

TI116D.txt - DrawAxis option: no tick marks and number labels

Category   :Turbo Pascal
Platform   :All
Product    :


The following  modifications may be made to the "GSHELL.PAS" file
of  the  Turbo  Pascal Graphix Toolbox to  provide  the  DrawAxis
routine with an option to turn off the display of tick  marks and
number labels, as in version 1.0x.

The following routine is found in the file called "GSHELL.PAS".

Change the following lines in the DrawAxis procedure:

Line 213:
  FROM: if YDens >= 0 then
  TO:  if YDens > 0 then

Line 230:
  FROM: if (YDens >= 0) and (Ys > Y1RefGlb + 13) then
  TO:  if (YDens > 0) and (Ys > Y1RefGlb + 13) then

Line 240:
  FROM: if XDens >= 0 then
  TO:  if XDens > 0 then

Line 260:
  FROM: if (XDens >= 0) and (Xs > X2RefGlb shl 3 + 7 - 24) then
  TO:  if (XDens > 0) and (Xs > X2RefGlb shl 3 + 7 - 24) then


3/30/99 3:51:50 PM

Last Modified: 01-SEP-99